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good bye glass... :-( :-(

 [1/4] from: max:quazart at: 28-Nov-2001 11:42

Hi Rebolers, Due to extreme and unforseeable circumstances, I must cut myself from this list and most of my reboling for an undetermined amount of time... This might be a long or short amount of time. How this will affect glass is, as of yet, undetermined... Privately, it most probably will continue implementation but the project will go "dead" for a while in the pulic's eye (a week, a month, a few months?). If possible, I'll try to make some appearances on this list via someone else. I will continue to receive my mails for a few days... In any case, I can be reached at [moliad--hotmail--com] for sure. I ask EVERY single one of you who've received mails with glass distributions to keep them to yourselves and to please respect the licensing. Glass IS NOT dead... its just going deaf a little while... when I'll come back, I should have a stable and usable version ready for use by everyone. sorry for building up the hype. glass' proud hours are (again) offset for a time. 'til next we meet -MAx

 [2/4] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 28-Nov-2001 10:28

Max, << Due to extreme and unforseeable circumstances... >> Warm regards and best wishes, whatever your circumstances may be. --Gregg

 [3/4] from: jasonic::panix::com at: 28-Nov-2001 14:29

> Max, > > << Due to extreme and unforseeable circumstances... >> > > Warm regards and best wishes, whatever your circumstances may be. > > --Gregg

 [4/4] from: rebolmikko:ya:hoo at: 1-Dec-2001 14:50

--- Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch <[max--quazart--com]> wrote:
> Hi Rebolers, > > Due to extreme and unforseeable circumstances, > > I must cut myself from this list and most of my > reboling for an > undetermined amount of time... This might be a long > or short amount of time. >
Is there anything I could perhaps do to help you with these circumstances? Cheers, Mikko Mäkelä