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email filtering trouble

 [1/3] from: carlos:lorenz:gma:il at: 8-Jun-2005 17:38

Hi list, Myabe this is not so much REBOL problem but I do need some help. I am trying to write a cgi script to filter my incoming emails while at the ISP server. My ISP has CPANEL and people there say it is not complicate to write a filter using a pipe just like that: $header_subject: contains "keyword" |/home/usr/ Obviously I do not want use Perl but REBOL instead so i wrote a small script just to test the filtering: ------------------------------------ #!rebol -cs REBOL[] write/append %/home/usr/mylog.txt now/date ------------------------------------ As REBOL is running in CGI mode I wrote the following filter: $header_subject: contains "keyword" |/home/usr/cgi-bin/filter.cgi It works. All the email is being piped to my script but to my surprise all I have is the whole content of each message appended to my very own REBOL script!! What am I doing wrong? -- *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-: Carlos Lorenz *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:

 [2/3] from: carlos:lorenz::gmail at: 9-Jun-2005 19:06

email filtering trouble (CGI stuff)

Hi list, Maybe this is not so much REBOL problem but I do need some help. I am trying to write a cgi script to filter my incoming emails while at the ISP server. My ISP has CPANEL and people there say it is not complicate to write a filter using a pipe just like that: $header_subject: contains "keyword" |/home/usr/ Obviously I do not want use Perl but REBOL instead so i wrote a small script just to test the filtering: ------------------------------------ #!rebol -cs REBOL[] write/append %/home/usr/mylog.txt now/date ------------------------------ ------ As REBOL is running in CGI mode I wrote the following filter: $header_subject: contains "keyword" |/home/usr/cgi-bin/filter.cgi It works. All the email is being piped to my script but to my surprise all I have is the whole content of each message appended to my very own REBOL script!! What am I doing wrong? -- *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-: Carlos Lorenz *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-: -- *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-: Carlos Lorenz *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:

 [3/3] from: antonr::lexicon::net at: 10-Jun-2005 11:09

Does your ISP support rebol scripting ? You must find out if they have rebol installed on the server. It sounds to me like the rebol script is not being executed, so it is just being returned as plain text. Anton.