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why sandbox removal? (was) Re: REBOL/View 1.2.10 released

 [1/2] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 30-May-2003 11:54

[carl--s--rebol--com] wrote:
>View 1.2.10 experimental just released. This is an interesting and useful version -- and serves as a platform for View 2.0 development. > >Includes sound and launch w/o Pro license. No install is required. >
I just wonder if it would be possible to keep sandbox functionality? No need to install is good step, maybe sandbox directory could be keeped to dir wher .exe is placed at least? Curious what do others think? -pekr-

 [2/2] from: ingo::2b1::de at: 30-May-2003 16:43

I can only second that! This would be great for roaming usage of rebol, after all, I only install once, but have to use --noinstall everytime (and last time I tried, it didn't even work). I would _much_ more like noinstall to be the default, and an install command in the console, or an install button in the desktop. Kind regards, Ingo Petr Krenzelok wrote: