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 [1/3] from: robbo1mark::aol::com at: 22-Feb-2001 4:24

REBOL FOR JAVA Regards REBOL for JAVA VM or any other implementation, if you want to interpret REBOL in JAVA or interface REBOL to any other language then there are lots of things you need to know about Parsing REBOL, datatypes, natives! actions! functions! etc. If you have a serious interest in these directions then you obviously share areas of interest with the people at the OSCAR project, we may already have done some work to help bootstrap your project. Now, Holger, Jeff, everybody, please don't construe this as me on a recruiting drive for "THAT BLOODY OSCAR" again, I'm not, if you want go there then fine. All Iam saying is that there is a definite overlap here. If people want REBOL for JAVA then speak to me, either directly or at the oscar-group or here on this list, the good folks at RT permitting of course. Self Help amongst us REBOL enthusiasts can take many forms besides another open source project. Earlier today I discussed a Formal Specification of REBOL, this would be of valuable use for many purposes, oscar and java-rebol included. Andrew Martin, Regards REBOL interpreting HTML and JAVASCRIPT in REBOL/View, that would be great, a real REB-WEB experience indeed! IIRC did Ingo not do some initial work a REBOL/View browser a while back? This sounds like an ideal extension of the WEB_DIALECT groups area of interest, hopefully we can kickstart some interest there (and of course here also) into making this a reality. Everybody, Carl, Jeff, Holger and the rest of the REBOL team have lots of great work to do on creating & improving new & existing REBOL products. The PERL community have a great tradition of self help and decentralisation as well as working very hard at taking PERL into many new and exciting territories whilst Larry Wall and his chief helpers look after the Core of that Language. Iam sure us REBOLLERS are more than capable of the same. Mark Dickson

 [2/3] from: koopmans:itr:ing:nl at: 22-Feb-2001 10:42

Mark and all, With regard to your last remark: that's the goal of erebol (extra rebol - some sort of standard libs). Does your OSCAR project has some sort of URL or so? I am getting curious to what it actually is. --Maarten

 [3/3] from: robbo1mark:aol at: 22-Feb-2001 5:25

Maaten, here's the url! In a message dated Thu, 22 Feb 2001 5:01:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Maarten Koopmans" <[koopmans--itr--ing--nl]> writes: << Mark and all, With regard to your last remark: that's the goal of erebol (extra rebol - some sort of standard libs). Does your OSCAR project has some sort of URL or so? I am getting curious to what it actually is. --Maarten