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REBOL/View Desktop Now Open Source

 [1/3] from: carl:s:rebol at: 11-Jun-2003 6:47

REBOL/View Desktop Now Open Source Ukiah, California, USA (10-June-2003) REBOL Technologies today released the source code for the REBOL/View Desktop to promote open source development of future versions. The Desktop module is the default user interface displayed when REBOL/View is started. The Desktop is essentially a non-web-based Internet browser that provides a simple method for users to execute REBOL applications distributed across systems the world over. REBOL programs, utilities, documents, images, presentations, and other files and folders appear on the desktop as icons. This is an experiment of a sort, said Carl Sassenrath, architect of the REBOL language. "We want to enable the REBOL development community to help shape the future of the top level REBOL/View experience." Changes to the desktop will be incorporated in new releases of REBOL/View, starting with version 1.3, to be released later this summer. In addition, REBOL/View 1.3 will allow the desktop to be dynamically loaded from disk or the Internet, allowing further changes to be made to the desktop without requiring new releases of REBOL/View. For security, the desktop module will be encrypted and signed using RSA encryption technology. The source code for the REBOL/View desktop can be found on the REBOL web site at ###

 [2/3] from: jvargas:whywire at: 10-Jun-2003 23:20

Thank Carl. I surely hope this experiment works and helps advance Rebol. Cheers, Jaime On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 09:47 AM, Carl at REBOL wrote:

 [3/3] from: alans::cuervo::Stanford::EDU at: 11-Jun-2003 9:39

Thanks Carl!! Alan <>