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A Rebol Challenge. The Monty Hall Puzzle (in K)

 [1/2] from: chris::langreiter::com at: 18-Dec-2001 2:40

A discussion involving terseness wouldn't be complete without a K ( example: `0:$+/(100_draw 3)=1 (20 bytes, including 4 bytes of a print statement) ;-) --Chris

 [2/2] from: dness:home at: 19-Dec-2001 12:12

Christian Langreiter wrote:
> A discussion involving terseness wouldn't be complete without a K ( > example: > > `0:$+/(100_draw 3)=1 > > (20 bytes, including 4 bytes of a print statement) > > ;-) >
Chris, unless there's `bigger game afoot' (i.e. you need an explicit ascii string, you can drop the first 4 chars and reorder to get down to 14 chars or K: +/1=100_draw 3