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/View for Pocket PC?

 [1/1] from: geza67::freestart::hu at: 31-Aug-2001 21:31

Hello REBOLers, Maybe I should have posted this message straight into RT's. My question is: When will /View be available for handhelds, namely on Pocket PCs ? I watched an earlier thread that Palm OS is not capable of running efficiently REBOL but WinCE is a powerful one. I have seen the /Core port (and I have it on my iPAQ, too :-) ) but /Core is just half of the REBOLtruth in the eyes of /View :-) . IMHO the next step to Carl's envisioned X-Net is porting the GUI-capable REBOL to handhelds and it would be nice if it would happen soon enough (before Python for WinCE 3.0 appears ;-) ) -- Best regards, Geza Lakner MD mailto:[geza67--freestart--hu]