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rebol script crashes when opened directly but not when done from shell?

 [1/2] from: bry::itnisk::com at: 9-Dec-2003 17:55

Hey, I was having work with jabber today over telnet, so I figured I'd just do a dinky script to handle my jabber posts, I was first working with it from the shell, but then I closed it cause of administrative difficulties with my jabber server, then I went and clicked on the script directly from the filesystem and I got an error saying that 0923582309 referenced memory at 85282092 blah blah, typical windows error msg, when I went to the shell it worked fine, have tested it several times now and it always crashes when loaded from the filesystem. Here's the script REBOL[ Title: "rebol Jabber" ] do %telnet/telnet.r telnet: open telnet://apaches:5222 view layout[ vh2 "jabber:" below h1 "Send" return f1: area {} return h2 "Receive" return f2: area "" return across button "send"[ insert telnet copy f1/text port: wait [telnet/sub-port system/ports/input] either port = telnet/sub-port [ if none? str: copy telnet [break] append f2/text str ][] ] button "Close"[telnet: "" quit] ]

 [2/2] from: rotenca::telvia::it at: 9-Dec-2003 20:21

Re: rebol script crashes when opened directly but not when done from she

Hi bryan,
> button "send"[ > insert telnet copy f1/text
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> append f2/text str ][] > ]
You cannot call wait from event code (like the action of a button). Instead you must insert the port to wait in system/ports/wait-list, adding to the port an awake function which makes the work. --- Ciao Romano

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