[1/10] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 20-Oct-2001 12:08
I don't pretend to know nothin' about nothin', but I do make
my living writing code.....
So here's my two cents worth and it is based upon the concept
of COMPETITION (not shouting, just emphasizing).
FREEdom (not shouting, just emphasizing)
Look at Borland: They now make bcc32 FREE. You like it
then you just might want to get Builder for $'s.
Look at Python, Perl. They are FREE, but the folks
at ActiveState are making money.
Look at mysql. FREE. The developers make money.
Make rebol/core FREE. No strings attached.
Do every thing you can (RT) to include rebol as a distribution
on every distro of Linux.
That's the only way that rebol can really COMPETE with python
and perl.
BTW: Carl, Holger, dudes... I believe that both Larry Wall
and Guido von Rossum have jobs for life.
Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>
[2/10] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 21-Oct-2001 11:20
> BTW: Carl, Holger, dudes... I believe that both Larry
> Wall
> and Guido von Rossum have jobs for life.
Hmm. I'd rather own the company the gives them their jobs
for the rest of their lives.
Graham Chiu
[3/10] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 20-Oct-2001 20:28
On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 11:20:40AM +1300, Graham Chiu wrote:
> >
> > BTW: Carl, Holger, dudes... I believe that both Larry
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> Hmm. I'd rather own the company the gives them their jobs
> for the rest of their lives.
That would be O'Reilly (I believe) for Wall, and
some arm of the Educational Community for Guido.
Me, I like working for myself. :>)
> --
> Graham Chiu
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.
Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>
[4/10] from: jasonic:nomadics at: 21-Oct-2001 3:00
> > > BTW: Carl, Holger, dudes... I believe that both Larry
> > > Wall
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> That would be O'Reilly (I believe) for Wall, and
> some arm of the Educational Community for Guido.
job for life? ...ouch not so fast...
Last year was a pretty rocky year for the Python core crew:
They left the CNRI ship when it became clear those hearts/heads were not
into the spirit of Python. Found a refuge in a hillside camp at the
hideously named 'BeOpen' while patiently dodging a series of energy-zapping
ugly licensing-related mortar attacks from CNRI and elsewhere.
The Python website even was in question www.python.org -- and was in limbo
for ages while a snapshot clone was erected >8-((
Meanwhile Guido got married, and with his crew valiantly released new
versions, although the naming and web site support was confusing for many,
especially newbies. During this period, the majority of links to Python were
demi-obsolete. The BeOpen web site sucked royally. ActivePython was released
in the midst of this - basically good news but was greeted with enormous
suspicion and paranoia by the otherwise positive and generous Python online
community. Installations got pretty mangled for Win32 since ActiveState was
sort of sync and presented a forked Python path.
The good news was that more people grokked to Python, but on the whole it
lost a very crucial years focus, during which time PHP especially came to
the respectable fore. Some good python books appeared and Guido and team
continued to follow their solid pragmatism. But they announced the CP4E
[Computer Programming for Everyone], the ARPA-edu grant project was a
casualty. Noble and echoes of that initiative live on Edu-Sig mailing list
which tracks the good work on VisualPython, PythonCard, PyGeo and the
curriculum work of Kirby Urner and others.
The Python-based Zope community grew and after hard work adn an very anxious
time, Digital Creations [Zope]landed another $19million VC money to carry
them 18 months max. This was when almost everyone else was losing their VC
support and dot.bomb became a household name. Then the happy surprise news
cam: Guido + crew left the BeOpen ship and signed with Digital Creations
[now Zope Corporation]! People were pretty happy about this, feeling it
would be good thing for zope and hopefully a better home for Python, but
concern still about the long-term status []nobody dared intimate anything
about job for life... but the title BDFL {benevolent dictator for live is
openly assumed to Guido}.
Since then technically things have gone quite well for Python, and we hope
personally for the its core team. Good decisions appear to have been made.
New releases have introduced good advances and consolidated the mans to
allow easy distribution. Though standalone executables is still a big issue
for many developers and makes an interesting back-story to the mysterious
REBOL/Encap strategy/pricing/news_vacuum. The quality and scope of online
coverage of Python has been very good thanks to some key tech journalists at
IBM, OReilly and elsewhere. The community grows along with its terrific
array of applications modules and super packages.
encap: next encap
REBOL presently lacks suitable hands-on evangelists in the press. Most
stories are old. REBOL/Encap is not articulated anywhere that I can see
except by reference and advice to send an email. If Encap is 'shipping' then
why not post some demos on rebol.com so people can try it out?
This parallels closely again the Zope story where Digital Creations kept
_very_ quiet about some major commercial uses of Zope, even as the on-line
developer community was clamoring for high-profile commercial examples to
help sell their bosses and potential clients with. DC were not making money
from Zope, [free+openSource] but they do make money with Zope, from
consulting contracts.
The lack of clarity, even a few well thought out paragraphs upfront- may do
some real damage I fear towards the commercial acceptance of REBOL. If the
strategy is not to promote Encap or to hide Rebol [Trojan horse?], then why
not directly address the needs of developers and their clients about
security/delivery/distribution etc.
Suppose one does not need REBOL/Encap but does need to protect code adn have
a clear installation?
Where is that scenario played out.. What does anyone suggest?
So what are the lessons for REBOL in this saga?
I believe REBOL/View is a killer toolkit in itself.
It is almost a killer app. But that is only the way designers and
enthisuastic developers look at it. The rest of the workld need books and
demos, and ones which are really simple to install. For some this means one
click, single executables, especially on Win32.
To bring wider spread public attention and gain some valuable evangelists it
still lacks more turnkey apps [Rebol/IOS??] and/or encap executables to
If encap is NOT the a strategy and design philosophy then say so and say it
well. If it is crucial then make it accessible and promote it.
Rebol and RT are obviously a small smart dedicated group of people with a
wonderful technology. Time and resources are scarce for everyone and
hopefully in the coming months REBOL/IOS will make things clearer.
- Jason
[5/10] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 21-Oct-2001 14:06
Jason has written a VERY insightful email. I just had to
add a little more of my two cents worth. Remember, it
is just 2 cents worth!
> job for life? ...ouch not so fast...
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> hideously named 'BeOpen' while patiently dodging a series of energy-zapping
> ugly licensing-related mortar attacks from CNRI and elsewhere.
What a difference a year makes!!
> encap: next encap
> REBOL presently lacks suitable hands-on evangelists in the press. Most
> stories are old. REBOL/Encap is not articulated anywhere that I can see
Kind of a chicken-or-egg scenario ... :>(. Python has a place in
linux because it runs many Linux install and config programs.
Really think RT needs to work to get core as part of Linux Distros.
> except by reference and advice to send an email.
Here's a story for you:
System administrator that I know adminsters a Windows 2000 Server.
Called RT to ask if Windows 95/98/NT version had been tested on
Win 2000. The person on the other end said something like:
Try it and let us know how it works.
Bad marketing RT. Bad, bad marketing.
>If Encap is 'shipping' then
> why not post some demos on rebol.com so people can try it out?
> This parallels closely again the Zope story where Digital Creations kept
> _very_ quiet about some major commercial uses of Zope, even as the on-line
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> not directly address the needs of developers and their clients about
> security/delivery/distribution etc.
I'm the world's worst self-promoter. I never advertise what I can do
until I CAN do it. <hint! hint!>
> Suppose one does not need REBOL/Encap but does need to protect code adn have
> a clear installation?
<<quoted lines omitted: 14>>
> hopefully in the coming months REBOL/IOS will make things clearer.
> - Jason
Just one more thought. There is more to IT than dot-coms/dot-bombs,
ecommerce etc. And it is a almost totally untouched area.
I've written about it.
I work in it. But getting people's attention is extremely
difficult. So sad.
Can you guess what it is?
Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>
[6/10] from: holger:rebol at: 21-Oct-2001 17:14
On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 02:06:03PM -0800, Tim Johnson wrote:
> Here's a story for you:
> System administrator that I know adminsters a Windows 2000 Server.
> Called RT to ask if Windows 95/98/NT version had been tested on
> Win 2000. The person on the other end said something like:
> "Try it and let us know how it works."
Sounds like a false rumor to me. We have been testing REBOL on
Win 2000 and Win Me for quite a while, even on some XP betas.
Unless that sysadmin called during the Win 2000 beta period, or
the question was extremely specific (like "Can I do [this] on
[that] version of [software] running on Win2000 ?"). Even then
the answer would have been different, probably something like
We know you can do [this], but have no experience with [that],
so we cannot say for sure, sorry. If you try it we would appreciate
some feedback.
Holger Kruse
[7/10] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 21-Oct-2001 20:08
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 02:06:03PM -0800, Tim Johnson wrote:
> > Here's a story for you:
> > System administrator that I know adminsters a Windows 2000 Server.
> > Called RT to ask if Windows 95/98/NT version had been tested on
> > Win 2000. The person on the other end said something like:
> > "Try it and let us know how it works."
On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 05:14:23PM -0700, [holger--rebol--com] wrote:
> Sounds like a false rumor to me. We have been testing REBOL on
> Win 2000 and Win Me for quite a while, even on some XP betas.
I am quoting as close as possible what was told to me by that
system administrator.
She was requested to install the rebol binary.
Her concern was that (again I am paraphrasing her),
==>>some executables compiled and tested in a windows/95/98/NT
environment will not function properly in Windows 2000.
It is my humble opinion, that if RT knows that rebol
is good to go on Windows 2000, that it be stated so at
Being able to Install rebol with that ISP would have opened
another (small) door to rebol useage.
These folks would have otherwise been VERY interested in rebol
because of what would be your network savvy operation, security
and stability.
Perhaps, Holger - I could put you directly in touch with her,
if anybody could sell her on rebol, you could.
Let me know, and I will play "match maker" if need be.
It would be a good thing for all parties concerned.
> Unless that sysadmin called during the Win 2000 beta period, or
> the question was extremely specific (like "Can I do [this] on
<<quoted lines omitted: 10>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.
Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>
[8/10] from: holger:rebol at: 21-Oct-2001 20:58
On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 08:08:23PM -0800, Tim Johnson wrote:
> It is my humble opinion, that if RT knows that rebol
> is good to go on Windows 2000, that it be stated so at
> http://www.rebol.com/platforms.html
Yes, unfortunately that page has not been updated in a while.
Other download pages, e.g. the one for View, explicitly list
Windows 2000 and Me.
> Perhaps, Holger - I could put you directly in touch with her,
> if anybody could sell her on rebol, you could.
> Let me know, and I will play "match maker" if need be.
Thanks, I would appreciate that.
Holger Kruse
[9/10] from: ptretter:charter at: 22-Oct-2001 6:43
What other download pages would that be?
Paul Tretter
[10/10] from: jasonic:nomadics at: 22-Oct-2001 8:41
It is not obvious -> You have to first go through the HTML forms for
downloading .. after entering name, email etc, yuo get to a page with links
to the donwload installation exectables, where it indicates the various OS
In fact you don't have to go through the form, just hit the link directly
for the info:
The rebol.com site really could/should be improved in lots of ways. I
imagine it is lack of resources.. compounded by some lack of
self-awareness/feedback too. But oh what a shame :-(
This is one more example of essential info which should be well maintained
and visible upfront. After all, crossplatform capability is one of REBOL's
key virtues. Why hide the specifics?
my advice: RT Put clear links on the home page to an up-to-date product/OS
go to www.rebol.com What do you see/read?
PressQuotes and promo-market-speak are fine..But PLEASE make it really easy
for people to get to the exciting facts!
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