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Re licence.key for SDK

 [1/11] from: idsrini:g:mail at: 22-May-2008 9:01

Hi, My name is Srini Iyengar and I am an independent software consultant, currently in Mumbai, India. I am quite impressed with Rebol and I need to evaluate Rebol Command/SDK. For this, do I need to buy Command/SDK or is it possible to get a free licence.key file? I've downloaded the zip file for Version 2.7.6. Only after evaluation and developing a small application myself (web-based and Client-Server based), will I be in a position to recommend Rebol to my clients in India. I think Rebol is a very exciting and promising approach, refreshingly different from the current approaches, to software development and maintenance. It gives the developer the freedom and space to do what he/she wants to do, without getting bogged down by 'other factors'. The VID dialect, though good, misses out on some fundamental widgets that are taken for granted by the industry like tree-control, grids, etc. I've been trying to get in touch with your office (by phone) and sent emails also, without any response for more than 10 days. I would appreciate it, if someone from your office responds to this email, at least.... Could you also let me know if Rebol 2.7.6 supports tree-controls (commercial or free) or is there an alternative way of producing the same functionality in Rebol? I would also need to test out access to databases (SqlServer, SqlLite) over the web and client-server also. Any inputs in this regard would be most welcome..... Thank you, Regards, Srini Iyengar

 [2/11] from: compkarori::gmail at: 22-May-2008 15:44

You need to purchase a license key. If you don't need SSL, ODBC then the free /Pro versions will allow you to evaluate. On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Srini Iyengar <> wrote:
> Hi, > My name is Srini Iyengar and I am an independent software consultant,
<<quoted lines omitted: 26>>
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-- Graham Chiu Synapse - the use from anywhere EMR.

 [3/11] from: idsrini:gma:il at: 22-May-2008 10:31

Hi Graham, Thanks a lot for the prompt response.... Can I get a licence key for the free /Pro version? Can I access Sqlite using this version? Also, Graham, are you aware of any tree control/widget for Rebol ? Regards, Srini On 22/05/2008, Graham Chiu <> wrote:

 [4/11] from: compkarori:gm:ail at: 22-May-2008 17:07

You don't need a license key now for the /Pro version. On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Srini Iyengar <> wrote:
> Hi Graham, > > Thanks a lot for the prompt response.... > > Can I get a licence key for the free /Pro version? > > Can I access Sqlite using this version?
There is a library for sqlite available
> Also, Graham, are you aware of any tree control/widget for Rebol ? >
Ashley has one for REBGUI same site as above. Cheers -- Graham Chiu Synapse - the use from anywhere EMR.

 [5/11] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 21-May-2008 23:08

Welcome Srini, Graham answered your licensing question, so I'll just add that REBOL's marketing doesn't do the technology justice. The community is great, and some people here are able to get in touch with the company people more directly if you're still unable to get what you need for evaluation purposes. It's also known that VID lacks a lot of standard controls. That's the price of keeping things small. If you need a grid control, check out Henrik's list-view and other styles. You may also want to look at RebGUI Happy REBOLing! -- Gregg

 [6/11] from: idsrini::gmail at: 22-May-2008 11:41

I just downloaded the 2.7.6 zip file and extracted it. I double clicked on the file "rebpro.exe" and it gave the following message **************************************** REBOL/Pro (14-Mar-2008) Copyright 2008 REBOL Technologies REBOL is a Trademark of REBOL Technologies All rights reserved. *** License key is missing. Special features are not available. *** Please put your license.key file in the correct directory. Script: "User Preferences" (21-May-2008/21:42:56+5:30) Set-Net not provided. ** Script Error: set-user-name has no value ** Near: set-user-name "A Rebol" if (not none? system/view) [ system/view/screen-face/options: none ]
******************************************************************** Am I doing something wrong.... Regards, Srini On 22/05/2008, Graham Chiu <> wrote:

 [7/11] from: idsrini:g:mail at: 22-May-2008 11:54

Hi Gregg, I think Rebol is a brilliant product...The marketing has a lot of scope for improvement though...I am completely in sync with the approach that keeping things small and tight is the way to go...especially now that gadgets, mobiles and pdas are getting more and more powerful and accessible.... Ultimately, for professional software development, there need to be mechanisms to access the elegance and capabilities of the underlying technology and this is where the UI comes into play. For instance, I cannot go and tell my clients to adopt REBOl, because I myself have not been able to develop a small application (web and client-server based) for demo purposes. Once I have something under my belt, then I can demo it to clients and at least tell them that there are alternatives to the gigantic systems that they are compelled to use. I have nothing against any software vendor, but at least allow me the opportunity to explore other avenues for software development... Also for small organisations, there is really no need to develop gigantic systems with attendant problems.... And dialecting...Its such an important aspect of any programming language....And Rebol enables you to do it so easily....With Rebol the possibilities are endless, and suddenly the computer becomes your express yourself.... Now that I know how to get in touch with you guys, would it be ok to ask queries and raise suggestions thru this mechanism.... Regards, Srini On 22/05/2008, Gregg Irwin <> wrote:

 [8/11] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 22-May-2008 0:43

Hi Srini, SI> Now that I know how to get in touch with you guys, would it be ok SI> to ask queries and raise suggestions thru this mechanism.... Please do! This mailing list is very quiet these days. A lot of REBOL people use AltMe and IOS for communication, so a lot of talk moved away from the more public forums. Fortunately, thanks to Sunanda, Peter, Graham, and others, has a very complete history of the ML. If you want an AltMe account on the main REBOL world, I can set one up for you. -- Gregg

 [9/11] from: idsrini::gmail at: 22-May-2008 13:12

Hi Gregg, Could you please set me up with an ALTME account on the main REBOL world...That would be great.... Also, I'm facing a problem with the free /Pro version. I downloaded the sdk zip file, and ran the file "rebpro.exe" and it asked for a licence key. ***************** REBOL/Pro (14-Mar-2008) Copyright 2008 REBOL Technologies REBOL is a Trademark of REBOL Technologies All rights reserved. *** License key is missing. Special features are not available. *** Please put your license.key file in the correct directory. Script: "User Preferences" (21-May-2008/21:42:56+5:30) Set-Net not provided. ** Script Error: set-user-name has no value ** Near: set-user-name "A Rebol" if (not none? system/view) [ system/view/screen-face/options: none ]
*************** Am I doing something wrong ? Or do I have to buy the /Pro version and it is no longer free. If it is free, could you please direct me to the appropriate download page.... Thanks once again.... Regards, Srini On 22/05/2008, Gregg Irwin <> wrote:

 [10/11] from: wang:rebol:it at: 22-May-2008 9:49

Hi Srini,
> Also, I'm facing a problem with the free /Pro version. I downloaded the sdk > zip file, and ran the file "rebpro.exe" and it asked for a licence key. >
you should download the "standalone" view/pro, not extract the SDK one! Please try downloading View form here: Regards, Mario

 [11/11] from: idsrini::gmail::com at: 22-May-2008 14:49

Thanks Mario, It worked..... The version is the "REBOL/View 14-Mar-2008" one.... The link is . and the download is under "REBOL View 2.7.6:"..... I could manage to create a table in Sqlite using the Sqlite driver from .... Thanks once again folks....Gregg and Graham and Ashley...... Regards, Srini On 22/05/2008, Mario Cassani <> wrote:

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