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Feedback from other Mac users?

 [1/7] from: pa:russo:perd at: 25-Jun-2001 17:02

Hi, I've been testing the Mac version of View for a couple of days now. Working from the console is OK (aaah at long last!), but it's simply impossible to activate scripts from Desktop. Anytime I try to activate a script the setup process starts again and again and again... It's a problem only on my four Macs? ;-) -- Paolo Russo [pa--russo--perd--com] _________________ PERD s.r.l. Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions

 [2/7] from: d_urmson:ya:hoo at: 25-Jun-2001 21:17

hi view stalls trying to connect to the net on my os x/9.1, it just says it is trying to connect, but never does. d On Monday, June 25, 2001, at 04:02 PM, Paolo Russo wrote:

 [3/7] from: pa:russo:perd at: 25-Jun-2001 23:16

>hi > >view stalls trying to connect to the net on my os x/9.1, it just >says it is trying to connect, but never does.
It happens to me too. Sometimes it connects succesfully, sometimes it reaches a reb-site but it doesn't download the backdrop image, sometimes it doesn't connect at all. Quite an erratic behavior. But only the Desktop, I can read http://... whatever I want from the Console. Oh well, I'm just too happy to have /View on Mac at last. I think I can wait a bit more for Desktop to work correctly. Jeff, Holger: if you need a more precise feedback, you have just to ask. -- Paolo Russo [pa--russo--perd--com] _________________ PERD s.r.l. Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions

 [4/7] from: carl:cybercraft at: 26-Jun-2001 9:47

On 26-Jun-01, bill hicks wrote:
> hi > view stalls trying to connect to the net on my os x/9.1, it just > says it is trying to connect, but never does.
It sounds like the Mac View should've been released as a public Beta first until the teething problems were over? It's not a good look for a v1.2 release if there's quite a few problems with it.
> d > On Monday, June 25, 2001, at 04:02 PM, Paolo Russo wrote:
<<quoted lines omitted: 14>>
>> Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions >>
-- Carl Read [carl--cybercraft--co--nz]

 [5/7] from: holger:rebol at: 25-Jun-2001 15:23

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 09:17:47PM +0100, bill hicks wrote:
> hi > > view stalls trying to connect to the net on my os x/9.1, it just says it > is trying to connect, but never does.
Sounds like async DNS is broken in some MacOS versions. We should probably disable it on Mac... -- Holger Kruse [holger--rebol--com]

 [6/7] from: holger:rebol at: 25-Jun-2001 15:20

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 05:02:36PM +0200, Paolo Russo wrote:
> Hi, > > I've been testing the Mac version of View for a couple of days now. > Working from the console is OK (aaah at long last!), but it's simply > impossible to activate scripts from Desktop. Anytime I try to > activate a script the setup process starts again and again and > again... It's a problem only on my four Macs? ;-)
Apparently. No problem here on OS 8 or 9. Anyone else seeing this ? -- Holger Kruse [holger--rebol--com]

 [7/7] from: cyphre::volny::cz at: 26-Jun-2001 10:11

Hello Holger and List, Today was trying run /View on [G3--233Mhz] Macintosh (MacOS 9.1 (USversion))but with the same problems like Paul Russo: -installation problems("cannot create file rebol in %/disk/view/ directory" (or something simmilar) message during setup) -after copying rebol exe into created but empty %/disk/view/ diriectory rebol said "instalation succesful", although no file association (I'm not sure if it should be done during the instalation on Mac) -every launched application from desktop is trying to install Rebol again and again... -problems with connection, sometimes desktop "stalls" with rotating "R" so I have to shut it down. -when I tried to run SWIS from my rebsite I got not enough memory error message near: to-image command (although there is 98MB RAM on this machine) Here are Larry's speed test results(approx. 3x slower than my [Celeron--533Mhz] machine at work): Performance Test Results for Cyphre at [MacintoshG3--233Mhz] Interpreter time: 0:00:04 81.25 Bitmap time: 0:00:04 100.00 OS window time: 0:00:08 56.25

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