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[clean-script shebang] Anyone fixed clean-script.r for shebang lines?

 [1/7] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 22-Feb-2008 15:06

Has anyone fixed %clean-script.r so it doesn't alter shebang lines? It sees the line as an issue!, refinements!, etc. %clean-script-heavy.r does the same thing. --Gregg

 [2/7] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 23-Feb-2008 21:49

> Has anyone fixed %clean-script.r so it doesn't alter shebang lines? It > sees the line as an issue!, refinements!, etc. %clean-script-heavy.r > does the same thing.
My simple fix for now is to do this before the SOME in the parse rule: opt [str: "#!" thru newline new: (emit str new)] Doesn't work if you have newlines before the shebang, but you shouldn't do that anyway, right? --Gregg

 [3/7] from: Tom::Conlin::gmail::com at: 24-Feb-2008 1:15

why don't you skip to rebol-header? everything before the header is a comment as far a rebol is concerned anyway and yes sometimes I do take advantage of that. Gregg Irwin wrote:

 [4/7] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 24-Feb-2008 15:20

Hi Tom, T> why don't you skip to rebol-header? T> everything before the header is a comment as far a rebol is T> concerned anyway and yes sometimes I do take advantage of that. It could do that too. I used to put stuff before the header, but I got out of that habit as it seemed to add more clutter that "hid" the code, even though I could bundle more info in a script that way. Does anyone else do that? Do you think it helps or hurts, when other people look at things? For example, would you rather have a single %.r file with readme notes, tests, docs, etc., or separate files and just code in scripts? -- Gregg

 [5/7] from: Tom:Conlin::gmail at: 24-Feb-2008 21:43

I suppose it depends on the nature of what you do. If I am aspiring to write a large reusable library, then code and doc etc separate. If you are solving someone else's a one off problem fast then bundling it in a single file is what I do. If I get sent a decent problem specification I may just begin coding beneath that as it keeps the script bundled with it's context. If there is data in the file I am apt to put a block around it and use it place. Gregg Irwin wrote:

 [6/7] from: sqlab::gmx::net at: 25-Feb-2008 8:30

Hi Gregg, normally I put a list of things still to do or unresolved issues before the header. I remember even once modifying the SDK preprocessor, as it could not deal with that. AR Gregg Irwin wrote:

 [7/7] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 25-Feb-2008 10:15

> normally I put a list of things still to do or unresolved issues > before > the header.
I often put notes like that in the header. Ultimately, I think it's a good thing to support, given REBOL's messaging nature, but it needs to *be* supported. That means %clean-script should be modded per Tom's suggestion. What about changing how OUT is set before the parse. Something like this maybe: out: clear copy script append out rejoin [newline trim copy/part script find script "REBOL ["] script: find script "REBOL [" Then the parse rule stays as it was originally. --Gregg