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 [1/4] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 15-Mar-2001 14:36

I feel that I owe the list members a word of apology/explanation... Following my nearly-annual adventure with bronchitis (I don't recommend it as a substitute for vacations ;-), I have had a change in position and responsibilities with my employer (all very much to my benefit and liking, I should add!), which have left me scrambling like mad to get my head around an entirely new set of tasks and projects. Consequently, my opportunities (and available time) to spend actively pursuing things REBOL has diminished considerably. Unfortunately, participating in rebol-list discussions, offering answers to questions, pestering RT folks about bugs/features, enjoying enthusiastic debates/brainstorming with Elan, Petr, Ladislav, Gabriele, Jeff, ... well, actually everyone, and I don't want to slight anyone ..., will be rare-spare-time-only activity for the next little while. I'll likely be able to slip in the odd comment from time to time ("unaccustomed as I am to public speaking"... ;-) but I wanted to post this message as both an apology for not responding or participating for the past few weeks, and as a request not to interpret upcoming bursts of silence as disinterest. Unfortunately, I have only 42 hours in a day... -jn-

 [2/4] from: larry::ecotope::com at: 15-Mar-2001 13:00

Hi Joel Good to hear from you again. -Larry

 [3/4] from: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 15-Mar-2001 22:12

Hi Joel,
> Unfortunately, I have only 42 hours in a day... > > -jn-
nice to hear from you again...

 [4/4] from: rebol:techscribe at: 15-Mar-2001 23:14

Hi Joel, good to hear from you again. I was thinking of contacting you off list to find out what happened to you. Been quite busy myself, and haven't had a chance to participate as much as I'd like to. Have you had a chance to take a peek at /Express yet? If not, perhaps you can free up some time ... Take Care, Elan Joel Neely wrote: