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am looking through Rebol homepage for various contract types

 [1/5] from: bry:itnisk at: 27-Oct-2002 16:46

Am trying to talk my boss/coworkers into integrating Rebol into a product we're building, there used to be a page at rebol with pricing/contractual info on various types of licensing arrangements one could get with various versions of Rebol. Cannot find this url there anymore, it's the one with info on branding etc. Anyone know where this document is now located at?

 [2/5] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 27-Oct-2002 18:23

bryan wrote:
>Am trying to talk my boss/coworkers into integrating Rebol into a >product we're building, there used to be a page at rebol with >pricing/contractual info on various types of licensing arrangements one >could get with various versions of Rebol. Cannot find this url there >anymore, it's the one with info on branding etc. Anyone know where this >document is now located at? >
Well, while it is not my business, there are some indications of changes in upcoming weeks. Rebol/Base was first example. I would suggest be a bit patient, or contact [Cindy--rebol--com] for more info about licensing/prices, etc. stuff ... Cheers, -pekr-

 [3/5] from: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 27-Oct-2002 12:15

> Am trying to talk my boss/coworkers into integrating Rebol into a > product we're building, there used to be a page at rebol with > pricing/contractual info on various types of licensing arrangements one > could get with various versions of Rebol. Cannot find this url there > anymore, it's the one with info on branding etc. Anyone know where this > document is now located at?
Bryan Yes I can't find much info there either. I tried the search form from the homepage. Not very satisfying. The /IOS pages are the most recent, but did not go through all those. I think the best think to do is write/call people at RT directly with your questions. Ask them to provide your company promptly with the URLs, and answers by email. I find the RT site often confusing and mysterious, especially from a marketing and sales perspective. The contacts page: Sales Related: [cindy--rebol--com] Business Relations: [scots--rebol--com] General Questions: feedback Voice: (707) 485-0599 FAX: (707) 485-5803 Here are the prices: some licenses.. Clicking through the download pages for the various products provides a very little info. For example at the bottom of: But purchase pages seems to have no terms indicated [perhaps I did not click through the forms far enough, but one should not have to go that far] :-(
>>> It makes no sense to me at all! Why a small company would not try harder to
make their terms available, UNLESS the answer is that they are highly negotiable and open to creative business suggestions. So call them and tell them what you need, and ask their advice.. Good luck, and please keep us posted about this. thanks ./Jason

 [4/5] from: rebologue::yahoo at: 27-Oct-2002 10:29

You can try the Internet Archive "Wayback Machine" at: But I recommend Petr's advice. For matters such as these, it's best to go straight to the source. // Ed --- bryan wrote: Am trying to talk my boss/coworkers into integrating Rebol into a product we're building, there used to be a page at rebol with pricing/contractual info on various types of licensing arrangements one could get with various versions of Rebol. Cannot find this url there anymore, it's the one with info on branding etc. Anyone know where this document is now located at?

 [5/5] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 27-Oct-2002 12:19

Hi Bryan, << Am trying to talk my boss/coworkers into integrating Rebol into a product we're building, there used to be a page at rebol with pricing/contractual info on various types of licensing arrangements one could get with various versions of Rebol. Cannot find this url there anymore, it's the one with info on branding etc. Anyone know where this document is now located at? >> It may not be there anymore. You can check out the pricing on the Purchase page, or contact [cindy--rebol--com] for more detailed information. They're getting ready to release some new developer kit licensing arrangments as well, so she'll have the lastest info. --Gregg