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Minimize maximize restore activate a window

 [1/1] from: antonr::iinet::net::au at: 22-Sep-2003 4:16

I just noticed that on REBOL/View 30-May-2003 (latest experimental release) that this no longer works: view lay: layout [b: button "Minimize" [hide lay]] In older versions down to 1.2.1, this would actually minimize the window down to the taskbar. A bug? Or is there a newer way to minimize these days? ... Oh.. there is :) view lay: layout [ b: button "Minimize" [lay/changes: [minimize] show lay] ] Not only that, you can 'restore and 'maximize in addition to 'activate. This doesn't work on the older 1.2.8 though. I tested all above on WindowsXP. Anton.