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 [1/16] from: mattsmac:hotmai:l at: 8-Sep-2003 9:13

Hi all, I'm trying to implement a secure message transferring system using blowfish ecryption in rebol/command using view/pro. Non-encrypted messages transfer perfectly, and very short (like < 10 character) messages that are encrypted work as well. Anytime I use a slightly longer message, expecially if it includes puctuation, the transfer gets all screwed up. I'm using a standard tcp port with the direct, lines, and no-wait refinements. The no-wait is for another portion of the program, not the encryption. Here is my encryption/decryption algorithm. encrypt: func [data] [ crypt-key: #{5C2486ADFD7F36765A7A163E86C6FB9A} crypt-port: make port! [ scheme: 'crypt algorithm: 'blowfish direction: 'encrypt strength: 128 key: crypt-key padding: true ] open crypt-port insert crypt-port data update crypt-port crypt-data: copy crypt-port close crypt-port return crypt-data ] decrypt: func [data] [ crypt-key: #{5C2486ADFD7F36765A7A163E86C6FB9A} decrypt-port: make port! [ scheme: 'crypt algorithm: 'blowfish direction: 'decrypt strength: 128 key: crypt-key padding: true ] open decrypt-port insert decrypt-port data update decrypt-port result: copy decrypt-port close decrypt-port return to-string result ] _________________________________________________________________ Fast, faster, fastest: Upgrade to Cable or DSL today!

 [2/16] from: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 8-Sep-2003 15:41

Hi Matt, On Monday, September 8, 2003, 3:13:04 PM, you wrote: MM> if it includes puctuation, the transfer gets all screwed up. I'm using a MM> standard tcp port with the direct, lines, and no-wait refinements. The Without /BINARY? You need /BINARY if you are transferring binary data, such as encrypted text. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila --- SOON:

 [3/16] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 8-Sep-2003 16:02

> Hi all, > I'm trying to implement a secure message transferring system using
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> if it includes puctuation, the transfer gets all screwed up. I'm using a > standard tcp port with the direct, lines, and no-wait refinements.
Try open/binary. --- Ciao Romano

 [4/16] from: mattsmac:h:otmail at: 8-Sep-2003 10:11

Can I transfer binary and non-binary data if I use the /BINARY? Hi Matt, On Monday, September 8, 2003, 3:13:04 PM, you wrote: MM> if it includes puctuation, the transfer gets all screwed up. I'm using a MM> standard tcp port with the direct, lines, and no-wait refinements. The Without /BINARY? You need /BINARY if you are transferring binary data, such as encrypted text. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila --- SOON: _________________________________________________________________ Get 10MB of e-mail storage! Sign up for Hotmail Extra Storage.

 [5/16] from: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 8-Sep-2003 16:34

Hi Matt, On Monday, September 8, 2003, 4:11:53 PM, you wrote: MM> Can I transfer binary and non-binary data if I use the /BINARY? Of course. The only difference with using /BINARY versus /STRING is that string does automatic conversion between line terminators. I don't think you'll need it in your case. If you really do, you could use: set-modes port [binary: true] before sending encrypted data and: set-modes port [binary: false] before sending plain text. You'll need to do the same on receiving. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila --- SOON:

 [6/16] from: mattsmac::hotmail::com at: 8-Sep-2003 10:35

I think I fixed the problem. Using the /binary refinement wasn't giving me any results. But by making the result of the encryption function to-string, I was able to pass it over the port and decrypt it once it got over. Thanks everybody Matt _________________________________________________________________ Compare Cable, DSL or Satellite plans: As low as $29.95.

 [7/16] from: mattsmac:hotmai:l at: 8-Sep-2003 10:54

... or maybe not. _________________________________________________________________ Compare Cable, DSL or Satellite plans: As low as $29.95.

 [8/16] from: mattsmac:hotm:ail at: 8-Sep-2003 10:58

Ok, maybe my inexperience is showing or I'm just dense. I need to use the line refinement so that I can get the entire line of the message at once. But you cannot use the binary and line refinements at the same time. How do I get around this? Matt Hi Matt, On Monday, September 8, 2003, 4:11:53 PM, you wrote: MM> Can I transfer binary and non-binary data if I use the /BINARY? Of course. The only difference with using /BINARY versus /STRING is that string does automatic conversion between line terminators. I don't think you'll need it in your case. If you really do, you could use: set-modes port [binary: true] before sending encrypted data and: set-modes port [binary: false] before sending plain text. You'll need to do the same on receiving. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila --- SOON: _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself with MSN Messenger 6.0 -- download now!

 [9/16] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 8-Sep-2003 9:48

Hi Matt, MM> Ok, maybe my inexperience is showing or I'm just dense. I need to use the MM> line refinement so that I can get the entire line of the message at once. MM> But you cannot use the binary and line refinements at the same time. How do MM> I get around this? If you're sending binary data, there is no concept of "lines". You'll have to send the data and decode it on the other end, breaking it up in to lines there if necessary. -- Gregg

 [10/16] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 8-Sep-2003 10:56

Hi, Matt, IMHO the combination of LINE and BINARY simply isn't meaningful. BINARY means "don't interpret the byte stream, just give it to me as a collection of 8-bit bytes." In contrast, LINE mode asks for a specific set of interpretation rules (and changes!) to be applied to the data. Different environments use different conventions to delimit lines (e.g. newline on *nix, carriage-return on old MacOS, carriage-return-line-feed on CPM) which requires interpreting the bytes to break the file into lines. In LINE mode, REBOL actually looks for any of the above and breaks the input at that point. In non-LINE, non-BINARY mode, REBOL translates any of the above to NEWLINE internally. Write the following data to a file (e.g. %data.raw) #{ 74686973206973206120746573740D0A746865206669727374206C696E652077 61732043524C462C2074686973206F6E65206973204E4C0A616E642074686973 206F6E65206973204352206F6E6C790D746F2073686F77207468652062656861 76696F72206F6620524541442E } and then read it with no refinements, LINE, and BINARY and see how the results differ. As for how to address your specific issue, I'd suggest that you write your own line-parsing if you *really* thing that the idea of LINE is relevant. Then you'll have to decide what to do if #"^/" or #"M" happen to show up in the binary data! ;-) -jn- Matt MacDonald wrote:
> Ok, maybe my inexperience is showing or I'm just dense. I need > to use the line refinement so that I can get the entire line of > the message at once. But you cannot use the binary and line > refinements at the same time. How do I get around this? >
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Neely joelDOTneelyATfedexDOTcom 901-263-4446 Counting lines of code is to software development as counting bricks is to urban development.

 [11/16] from: mattsmac::hotmail at: 8-Sep-2003 12:03

Ok, good enough. So if I'm understanding correctly. I should be able to have 2 binary ports. One sending and one receiving. Then send the data through the sending port (as binary) and recieve it on the recieving port. Then change it to string and parse it from there. Here is what is happening though: I send a simple message "Hi" i have to do 2 reads on the recieving port, which returns 72 and 105 - both integers. So my question is then, why do I get integers instead of binary data, and if I need to deal with integers and somehow convert them to characters, how do I know when to stop reading from the recieving port? Please help this is reallllly frustrating, Matt Hi Matt, MM> Ok, maybe my inexperience is showing or I'm just dense. I need to use the MM> line refinement so that I can get the entire line of the message at once. MM> But you cannot use the binary and line refinements at the same time. How do MM> I get around this? If you're sending binary data, there is no concept of "lines". You'll have to send the data and decode it on the other end, breaking it up in to lines there if necessary. -- Gregg

 [12/16] from: tomc:darkwing:uoregon at: 8-Sep-2003 10:17

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Matt MacDonald wrote:
> Ok, good enough. So if I'm understanding correctly. I should be able to > have 2 binary ports. One sending and one receiving. Then send the data
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> data, and if I need to deal with integers and somehow convert them to > characters, how do I know when to stop reading from the recieving port?
the 72 & 105 are the ASCCI values for the chars H & i
>> to-char 72
== #"H"
>> to-char 105
== #"i"

 [13/16] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 8-Sep-2003 11:43

Hi Matt, MM> I send a simple message "Hi" MM> i have to do 2 reads on the recieving port, which returns 72 and 105 - both MM> integers. So my question is then, why do I get integers instead of binary MM> data, and if I need to deal with integers and somehow convert them to MM> characters, how do I know when to stop reading from the recieving port? If you could post the code, that would help a lot. There's no way to know how you're doing it otherwise. :) You should just be able to do a COPY on the port (returns NONE when all data has been read). If you're in no-wait mode, you just keep appending data to a buffer until you get an empty string back, which indicates no more data is available. -- Gregg

 [14/16] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 9-Sep-2003 13:32

You can push your binary through a line port as text. Encrypt your text, which gives you a binary, then use enbase, which gives a string (and losing no information). On the other end use debase to get the binary back, then decrypt. Anton.

 [15/16] from: mattsmac:hotm:ail at: 9-Sep-2003 8:36

Greg, This is the best and easiest solution anyone has given me. It's versatile enough to support all of the various applications in my program. It seems to be working perfectly. Thanks everyone for your help. Matt Re: Encryption Anton Rolls (antonr) 9-Sep-2003/13:32:51+10:00 #30965 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can push your binary through a line port as text. Encrypt your text, which gives you a binary, then use enbase, which gives a string (and losing no information). On the other end use debase to get the binary back, then decrypt. Anton.
>Ok, good enough. So if I'm understanding correctly. I should be able to >have 2 binary ports. One sending and one receiving. Then send the data
<<quoted lines omitted: 25>>
>in to lines there if necessary. >-- Gregg
_________________________________________________________________ Use custom emotions -- try MSN Messenger 6.0!

 [16/16] from: mattsmac:hotm:ail at: 9-Sep-2003 10:53

Whoops, I ment Anton
>From: "Matt MacDonald" <[mattsmac--hotmail--com]> >Reply-To: [rebol-list--rebol--com]
<<quoted lines omitted: 62>>
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