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REBOL/Core 2.5.2 : Not enough memory

 [1/4] from: phiho:hoang:rogers at: 9-May-2002 3:58

Greetings, I encountered this error on a WindowsXP system with 'Total Physical Memory' of 785,908 KB. After this error, the system still has 'Available' 36,216 KB and 'Mem Usage' for Rebol is 538,636 KB. Please find appended the output from the console. Cheers, PhiHo.
>> source rebol
rebol: ** Script Error: Not enough memory ** Where: source ** Near: print mold get word
>> about
REBOL/View 6-May-2002 Copyright 2000-2002 REBOL Technologies. All rights reserved. REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM Type DESKTOP or SET-USER for settings.

 [2/4] from: carl::rebol::com at: 9-May-2002 9:42

Well, not a problem... the REBOL source is 1 GB. :) However, I think you've set a new record for the amount of memory being handled by REBOL's memory management routines and garbage collector. Glad to know it deals well with that much memory. At 5/9/02 03:58 AM -0400, you wrote:

 [3/4] from: phiho:hoang:rogers at: 9-May-2002 21:24

> Well, not a problem... the REBOL source is 1 GB. :)
Wow! me, I and myself have been thinking that REBOL got quite a bang for the bits (~500KB). Now you tell me it's 1GB (good compression ratio, though, ~2000 and almost lossless ;-) Thanks for giving me a good reason to stick in another 512MB stick ;-) BTW, I like REBOL very much, except for 1 thing (that's another story). Thanks for bringing out REBOL and best wishes.

 [4/4] from: warp:reboot:ch at: 10-May-2002 6:17

no problem here with source rebol..8) X-REBOL: " http://WWW.REBOL.COM" mac os X 10.1.4 Will Arp [warp--reboot--ch]