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Efficient output of an It's Mine Now page?

 [1/1] from: depotcity::home::com at: 10-Mar-2001 23:34

Ok, so now we have the page and can modify at whim, but, a new question arises. How can we deliver the modified page to a frame? This javascript chokes... java-script: rejoin [{parent.frame.document.write("} the-doc{");}] It seems the quotes and curlys within the-doc mess with the javascript document.write function? I suppose one could save the page and navigate to it using a parent.frame.navigate ("url") but if your doing 00's of pages per minute, this would become rather cumbersome in a hurry. And hey, it's the 21st century right? I mean, when I was a kid they told us, that by this time, people would be living on the moon, cars would fly, robots would be making our lunch and world hunger would be a thing of the past. Surely by now we should <i>at least</i> be able to read a webpage, modify it, and deliver it with relative ease. Terry Brownell