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httpmail hotmail rebol

 [1/1] from: bry::itnisk::com at: 9-Oct-2003 11:35

I recently had an email from someone, stemming from the Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols article, who wanted to use Rebol to access their hotmail. I don't think I answered in any helpful way, cause I didn't quite understand the question correctly. One thing about hotmail that I knew, but I didn't have any clear info on, was that Hotmail exposes its functionality via a version of webDAV: I found the description of exactly how it does so today: in case the person who asked me is on this list now I thought it might be nice to pass it along, also thought it might be nice to pass it along as this is a good example of a REST-based approach to web services, which is a particular design for which I think Rebol would be well-suited. So in case anyone wants to work with hotmail this way, this should be a good start. It might also be a good service to provide using Rebol to collect email from various services, and building a httpmail repository for these mails. (think I found a business use for Rebol)