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Expanding Rebol's definition of a word

 [1/1] from: AJMartin::orcon::net::nz at: 24-Dec-2003 22:43

I've found that it's possible to expand the definition of a Rebol word (but not actually Rebol itself because I don't have the source). Here's my C# code using regular expressions to parse out get-word!, set-word!, word! and get-set-word! values. String Separators = @"\s\[\]\(\)"; public class Get_Set_Word : Value { public Get_Set_Word () { Title = "Get-Set-Word"; Pattern = new Regex (@"\G:[^" + Separators + "]*:" + Delimiter); } } public class Get_Word : Value { public Get_Word () { Title = "Get-Word"; Pattern = new Regex (@"\G:[^" + Separators + "]*" + Delimiter); } } public class Set_Word : Value { public Set_Word () { Title = "Set-Word"; Pattern = new Regex (@"\G[^" + Separators + "]:*" + Delimiter); } } public class Word : Value { public Word () { Title = "Word"; Pattern = new Regex (@"\G[^" + Separators + "]*" + Delimiter); } } In my tests so far, I can get my R# to recognise these as get-word, set-word and word values: C# F# & ^ * = == && ++ ~ >: <: !: :~ ~# Word :GetWord SetWord: As well as email, issues, pairs, tags, tuples, dollars (money!), files, urls, degree-minutes-seconds (12°34'56"), strings ("test"), percentages (99.5%), scalar-like values (60Km/H). I'd really like it if these definitions became a part of Rebol. Andrew J Martin Speaking in tongues and performing miracles. ICQ: 26227169