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Working with tags

 [1/4] from: gedb01::yahoo::co::uk at: 11-Nov-2003 1:02

I'm just having a little bit of trouble with tags, and I can't find what I'm after in the docs. I'm using the following expressions: fp: [] text: "This is text" append fp rejoin [<tag> text </tag>] The result is: <tagThis is text</tag>> I wanted: <tag>This is text</tag> If I try: append fp [<tag> text </tag>] I get: <tag> text </tag> If I try: append fp reduce [<tag> text </tag>] I get: <tag> "This is text" </tag> Which is oh so close, but I don't want them quotes in! To infuriate me further print [<tag> text </tag>] displays the desired results. Where am I going wrong? What expression should I be using?

 [2/4] from: brett:codeconscious at: 11-Nov-2003 12:28

An oldie but a goodie :-) A Tag! is a type of String! just written differently. Ie instead of "tag" you write <tag> Rejoin uses Append See what happens when you append to a tag:
>> append <body> { bgcolor="green"}
== <body bgcolor="green"> That's they "why" of it. The how of it...What you wanted was a string result. One approach: text: "This is text" reform [<tag> text <tag>] Another (different result): rejoin [{} <tag> text <tag>] The second one works because the second, third and fourth items in the block are appended to the string giving the right datatype. Compare with: rejoin [[] <tag> text <tag>] ...which you wouldn't use (reduce would be simpler). Regards, Brett.

 [3/4] from: tomc:darkwing:uoregon at: 10-Nov-2003 17:30

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, [iso-8859-1] Ged Byrne wrote:
> I'm just having a little bit of trouble with tags, and > I can't find what I'm after in the docs.
<<quoted lines omitted: 19>>
> Where am I going wrong? > What expression should I be using?
a hackerish solution is fp: copy [] text: "This is text" insert tail fp rejoin["" <tag> text </tag>] but that should only be used till a correct solution is given join assumes the resulting type is the same as the first type. when the first type is a tag! it tries to make the whole block a tag ... badly by putting an empty string first, join just builds a string

 [4/4] from: gedb01::yahoo at: 11-Nov-2003 9:54

Thats great, thanks to all. --- Tom Conlin <[tomc--darkwing--uoregon--edu]> wrote: >

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