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Can a script run another script?

 [1/8] from: reboler::programmer::net at: 14-Dec-2001 23:31

Can I run a script from a REBOL/View face? So far I can launch the new script, but the old face/script closes. I would like to pick a new script from a directory listing and run it, while keeping the old one open. Can REBOL/View do this? Or do I need View/Pro or Command?

 [2/8] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 14-Dec-2001 10:46

Hi Alan, << Can I run a script from a REBOL/View face? So far I can launch the new script, but the old face/script closes. I would like to pick a new script from a directory listing and run it, while keeping the old one open. Can REBOL/View do this? Or do I need View/Pro or Command? >> You can use 'do, to run another script from within your script. do %feedback.r You can use 'launch to start a new interpreter process launch "feedback.r" - or- launch %feedback.r To launch a program other than REBOL, you need to use 'call in /View-Pro or /Command. HTH! --Gregg

 [3/8] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 14-Dec-2001 11:00

Hi Alan I should add that the /New refinement, used with View (i.e. View/New) is another thing you may want to look at from the sounds of things. --Gregg

 [4/8] from: office:thousand-hills at: 15-Dec-2001 8:33

You can embed the script inside your %user.r setup file as a global variable with a line like this script_name: [ script ] And then simply call the script as a function/variable like this script_name this is the way it is designed to work, if you need an example -I can offer some. John At 10:46 AM 12/14/2001 -0700, you wrote:

 [5/8] from: reboler:programmer at: 17-Dec-2001 22:17

Thanks Gregg, for pointing out the 'launch command. I hadn't noticed it before. It works great in simples scripts like ... view layout [button [launch %feedback.r]] But I have a larger script whose relevant contents boils down to this ... output: make object! [ file: %feedback.r ] view layout [ button "Do Script!" [ if script? output/file [ launch output/file ] ] ] The above works as a script unto itself, but within the larger script, I get the following error message... Launch can only be used by launcher programs in a REBOL/View Dialog Box. Since 'launch is undocumented, do you know what this error means?

 [6/8] from: al:bri:xtra at: 18-Dec-2001 9:15

Alan wrote:
> The above works as a script unto itself, but within the larger script, I
get the following error message...
> "Launch can only be used by launcher programs" in a REBOL/View Dialog Box. > > Since 'launch is undocumented, do you know what this error means?
'Launch is designed to launch programs only from the first script. It's a security measure. It's best to restructure your script. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [7/8] from: rpgwriter::yahoo at: 17-Dec-2001 13:20

--- Andrew Martin <[Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz]> wrote:
> Alan wrote: > > The above works as a script unto itself, but
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
> 'Launch is designed to launch programs only from the > first script.
Is "the first script" the first one run by the REBOL? Does that include, for instance, the /View desktop? Chris Dicely

 [8/8] from: al:bri:xtra at: 18-Dec-2001 12:38

> Is "the first script" the first one run by the REBOL?
It doesn't include the ones in Rebol. Just your scripts.
> Does that include, for instance, the /View desktop?
It shouldn't include the desktop in View. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

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