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how to preserve url spaces?

 [1/3] from: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 24-Jul-2001 8:12

Hi, I just tried to download new mp3 songs (official ones :-) from one band's website, and my Netscape told me files are missing. So I started Mozilla, which downloads files for me. The problem with files is - it has e.g. following name: song2: "EverEve - E-Mania - Suzanne.mp3" So, even I tried res: read join to-url song2, I was not succesfull. to-url song2 results in EverEve - E-Mania - Suzanne.mp3, exactly the same string I can see Mozilla is downloading for me, but I can't get it to work in Rebol. Do Rebol schemes convert above strings back into spaces somehow? And if so - why? :-) ... let's make our rebol life easier :-) -pekr-

 [2/3] from: sqlab:gmx at: 24-Jul-2001 10:30

> Hi, > I just tried to download new mp3 songs (official ones :-) from one
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
> can't get it to work in Rebol. Do Rebol schemes convert above strings > back into spaces somehow? And if so - why? :-)
hi Pekr I did write/binary E.mp3 read/binary read/binary join song2 and got some 3.2 Megabytes. AR

 [3/3] from: sqlab:gmx at: 24-Jul-2001 10:37

> I did write/binary E.mp3 read/binary read/binary join > song2 > > and got some 3.2 Megabytes. > > AR
Of course should read ;( write/binary E.mp3 read/binary read/binary join song2 AR

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