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Network related problem with the Experimental releases

 [1/2] from: jhagman:infa:abo:fi at: 25-Aug-2000 21:28

Hi, I am suffering with a problem with the experimental releases of Rebol. I am unable to read data over HTTP from anywhere but my own domain. I have tried to tweak with the proxy settings, but with no success. I am hoping there is something I have overlooked and someone on th list could give me some assistance. I am also cc:ing this mail to [feedback--rebol--com], although I have reported this problem also earlier. With Core 2.3 networking works without a proxy. With proxy set works HTTP fine. FTP, FINGER and maybe some others don't. This is of course not a big problem as it is possible to specify different proxy servers for different protocols. Netscape works though fine with FTP. Using Experimental Core without proxy allows me to read files only from this domain ( no other that I've tested works. FTP works fine without proxy. If proxy is on I can not read files over http even from this domain. Also FTP is not working but this was expected. Something has changed between the released versions and the experimental versions. As one works and other don't. I have tested this program on Linux (libc6), Windows98, BeOS and FreeBSD. All tests were on this same machine and gave same results. At work experimental version of Core works like a charm. If any of you have any ideas to solve this problem it would be great. Yours, Jussi P.S. Enhancement request: Would it not be possible to determine the type of proxy automatically? I have not had to know it for installation of any other program. It would make installing rebol easier for common users. -- Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33 [juhagman--abo--fi] 20540 Åbo [jhagman--infa--abo--fi] Finland

 [2/2] from: jhagman::infa::abo::fi at: 25-Aug-2000 22:42

Hi, An addition, after reading Galt's mail I realized that I should test the plain tcp connection. And that works! With and without the proxy following happens: REBOL/core (Experimental)
>> set-net [none none none none none none] >> read
connecting to: ** Access Error: Network timeout. ** Where: read
>> p: open tcp:// >> insert p {GET / HTTP/1.0^/^/} >> loop 100 [prin first p] print []
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 19:23:14 GMT Age: 533 Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_frontpa
>> set-net [none none none "" 80 'generic] >> read
connecting to: ** Access Error: Network timeout. ** Where: read
>> close p >> p: open tcp:// >> insert p {GET / HTTP/1.0^/^/} >> loop 100 [prin first p] print []
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 19:23:14 GMT Age: 678 Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_frontpa
So the problem seems not to be just with proxy but with REBOL. Some more work with network guys. :) The proxy or something else on our net surely affects rebol as it worked just fine at my workplace. Yours, Jussi -- Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33 [juhagman--abo--fi] 20540 Åbo [jhagman--infa--abo--fi] Finland