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simple editor for rebol

 [1/26] from: info:johnsons-web at: 6-May-2001 8:35

Hello All: I have designed and am teaching a class in rebol for high school as a first semester. I would welcome recommendations for a MS-Windows compatible editor that would enable syntax highlighting and be available at no fee. Myself, I use vim on both Linux and Windows, but I think either vim or emacs would be a little too difficult for some of the students. --Looking forward to opinions-- TIA -- Tim Johnson <[info--johnsons-web--com]> "My shroe, my shroe, my dingkom for a shroe!" --TheManWhoSpeaksInAnagrams (Monty Python)

 [2/26] from: biker:timsi:pl at: 6-May-2001 19:01

On Sunday, May 06, 2001 @ 6:35:39 PM you wrote: TJ> Hello All: TJ> I have designed and am teaching a class in rebol TJ> for high school as a first semester. TJ> I would welcome recommendations for a MS-Windows TJ> compatible editor that would enable syntax TJ> highlighting and be available at no fee. ---- Check out ConTEXT and IIRC there is win32 version of NEDIT but nedit probably don't highlight rebol's syntax :( rgds. -- 2ker uin: 5901548

 [3/26] from: carl:rebol at: 6-May-2001 10:25

Tim, REBOL is a great language for this. Students, my son (13y) for example, really get interested in REBOL because it puts projects that involve network protocols, compression, date/time, or even encryption within their grasp without a lot of "language pollution". That is, it cuts right to the point of the exercise. E.g. you want to fetch the source to a web page with HTTP, or you want to grab an email using POP, post a listing on News with NNTP, etc. Please let me know how it goes, and it would be great if you could consider publishing your design for others to use. I've been promising the local high school for a couple years now... Carl Sassenrath Founder & CTO REBOL Technologies WRT editors, this email group knows best. I'll let them tell you. I use an editor that would not suit your need.

 [4/26] from: peoyli:algonet:se at: 6-May-2001 21:18

Hi, I think I used some editor named "UltraEdit" the few weeks I had windows installed during a computer and network technology class I took a few years ago. Checking out it's home page ( also validated this. I think I was looking for some text editor that managed to save files in plain ASCII or something (which there were very few of for windows four years ago). It supports syntax highlightning, but does not come preconfigured for REBOL. BUT.. it is shareware, 45 days of evaluation and then it costs $30 to register. /PeO

 [5/26] from: info:johnsons-web at: 6-May-2001 12:42

On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 07:01:50PM +0200, 2ker wrote: <snip..>
> Check out ConTEXT and IIRC > there is win32 version of NEDIT but nedit probably don't highlight
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> 2ker > uin: 5901548
Thanks.... I seem to recall it used external syntax files. I will check it out. regards. -- Tim Johnson <[info--johnsons-web--com]> "My shroe, my shroe, my dingkom for a shroe!" --TheManWhoSpeaksInAnagrams (Monty Python)

 [6/26] from: timsporcic:homelinx at: 6-May-2001 17:06

I'd also recommend UltraEdit. Yes, it's shareware, so not free, but I would guess you could get a site license for educational use at a reasonable price. The syntax highlighting for REBOL is available from their site. You can also configure it to automatically run the scripts you're editing. It's the editor I use every day. - Tim

 [7/26] from: jhagman:infa:abo:fi at: 7-May-2001 2:19

Quoting Carl Sassenrath ([carl--rebol--com]):
> I use an editor that would not suit your need.
Just out of intrest, it would be interesting to know what is the editor the guru behind AmigaOS and REBOL uses... Tell us, please! I have a hunch it is either very primitive (like ex or cat) or an editor that has _everything_ in it (like emacs). The middle ground seems unlikely. -- Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33 [juhagman--abo--fi] 20540 Åbo [jhagman--infa--abo--fi] Finland

 [8/26] from: coussement:c:itc:mil:be at: 7-May-2001 9:43

Hi Tim: I use for more than 6 month the excellent *free* editor *CRedit* by a guy named Plamen: I've just check the site, but it seems to be done. Hope it will get better soon... It has all the features you need, including REBOL support for syntax-highlighting, split-screen, console redirection, macro's ... If you couldn't get it, I can mail it to you: the zip file is just 1MB big. Although we're not working with the same audience, I'm concerned by the use of REBOL for teaching purpose: I will have to teach REBOL to my dev team. I would be glad if you could keep me informed of the course-monography (I don't know if it's the right English word for it) you could produce, describing the learning stuff and the order you will use to teach your students. Thanks in advance, chr==

 [9/26] from: jelinem1:nationwide at: 7-May-2001 9:22

TIA, You might want to double-check how current the posted syntax highlighting file is. When I got mine (several months ago) it needed updating. A word of warning: for some reason, UltraEdit requires a blank character at the end of each line in the wordfiles.txt file (the file which defines the syntax highlighting), otherwise the last word on the line will not be highlighted. I've spent quite abit of time with my color scheme - more than most would, I'd imagine. The default colors for UEdit are pretty ugly IMO. If you'd like I could send you my file that defines the colors (UEdit32.ini). - Michael Jelinek From: "Timothy Sporcic" <[timsporcic--homelinx--com]> on 05/06/2001 05:06 PM Please respond to [rebol-list--rebol--com] Sent by: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> cc: Subject: [REBOL] Re: simple editor for rebol I'd also recommend UltraEdit. Yes, it's shareware, so not free, but I would guess you could get a site license for educational use at a reasonable price. The syntax highlighting for REBOL is available from their site. You can also configure it to automatically run the scripts you're editing. It's the editor I use every day. - Tim

 [10/26] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 7-May-2001 7:36

Hi, Tim, Tim Johnson wrote:
> Hello All: > I have designed and am teaching a class in rebol
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> but I think either vim or emacs would be a > little too difficult for some of the students.
At the risk of sounding elitist, I have to disagree with the conclusion of your last sentence and recommend vim, for the following reasons: 1) vim-related: * Works on *many* platforms the students are likely to have access to (both at school and at home. * Founded on vi, the most ubiquitous editor in the Unix/Linux world. (Note: I didn't say "best" -- I'm not trying to start a flame war -- I simply meant that you can find vi on essentially any *n*x box, regardless of age or size.) Therefore the result of learning vim is a highly portable/reusable skill. * Syntax coloring works. * The basic text-manipulation commands in vi(m) have a direct analog to the basic series manipulation operations in REBOL: changing part of a series, removing part of a series, inserting somewhere in a series, moving the "current position" within a series, etc. Therefore you're able to introduce the concepts once and re-use them for both programming and editing. 2) student-related: (the part most likely to provoke some flames, I fear) * Using any text editor (emphasis on "any") requires that you understand files, inserting and deleting text, versions of files, backup habits, etc. Any student who can't understand these concepts has no business programming. In any language. * It's fairly easy to define "core vi(m)" commands (:e :r :w :q i a I A o O c d and, of course, h j k l 0 $) that are enough to do some 75% of all simple editing tasks. This is one class period's worth of work, plus some practice to push the knowledge "out to the fingertips". Any student who can't understand these concepts has no business programming. In any language. I should add that my perspective is based (in part) on my own experiences in teaching (12 years' of Math and Computing Science in higher education) and my sadness (and even frustration, at times) over the disservice done to entering students by high-school teachers who short-changed the kids by assuming that they couldn't learn -- and therefore didn't teach the kids things they should have known. Have faith. Trust the kids. Be enthusiastic. Don't be afraid to give them a challenge. Respect their minds and get ready for a surprise. (And, sadly, deal with the fact that everyone deserves an equal opportunity, but not all will make the most of it.) -jn-

 [11/26] from: mat:eurogamer at: 7-May-2001 11:23

Heya CPN, CPSSCCC> I would be glad if you could keep me informed of the course-monography (I CPSSCCC> don't know if it's the right English word for it) Two words for the content of a class/school subject etc; syllabus and curriculum In old matters of schooling, English frequently falls back to Latin :) I believe the former applies more to a single course instead of an overall content for a school year or or something like that for the latter. -- Mat Bettinson - EuroGamer's Gaming Evangelist with a Goatee |

 [12/26] from: info:johnsons-web at: 7-May-2001 8:41

On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 07:36:26AM -0500, Joel Neely wrote:
> Hi, Tim, > > > Myself, I use vim on both Linux and Windows, > > but I think either vim or emacs would be a > > little too difficult for some of the students.
-But not all of them, I do anticipate that some will investigate vim, since (even though I don't make it a requirement) I speak very frankly about my use of it.
> At the risk of sounding elitist, I have to disagree with > the conclusion of your last sentence and recommend vim,
<<quoted lines omitted: 48>>
> that everyone deserves an equal opportunity, but not all > will make the most of it.)
Your points are well taken, however it is my concern, and the concern of those that I contracted to design this class - that making a stipulation of one editor over another would create backlashes from the community. I know the parents of some of the students, indeed all 6 of my kids and step kids came out of this environment. I just want to give them some options - and a generic Windows - style Editor "should" be an option in my opinion. Our decision was based on not leveraging one product by teaching another. It had nothing to do with trust or not trusting the kids. I also know that some of the kids "love" xemacs, so it isn't just the parents. :>) thanks Joe Tim (Writing on Vim)
> -jn- > -- > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to > [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Tim Johnson <[info--johnsons-web--com]> "My shroe, my shroe, my dingkom for a shroe!" --TheManWhoSpeaksInAnagrams (Monty Python)

 [13/26] from: jhagman:infa:abo:fi at: 7-May-2001 19:01

Quoting Joel Neely ([joel--neely--fedex--com]):
> * Syntax coloring works.
Yes, but the rebol.vim seems to be somewhat dated. I added some words in mine, but I lost the changes as I updated my vim (the changed file might still be somewhere on the hard disk...) I'll try to find it as I just have the time. -- Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33 [juhagman--abo--fi] 20540 Åbo [jhagman--infa--abo--fi] Finland

 [14/26] from: info:johnsons-web at: 7-May-2001 8:56

Hi : On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 09:43:42AM +0200, CRS - Psy Sel/SPO, COUSSEMENT Christophe, CPN wrote:
> Hi Tim: > I use for more than 6 month the excellent *free* editor *CRedit* by a guy
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> syntax-highlighting, split-screen, console redirection, macro's ... > If you couldn't get it, I can mail it to you: the zip file is just 1MB big.
I would consider it quite a favor if you would send it to me. I see that the site is still off line. Thanks!!
> Although we're not working with the same audience, I'm concerned by the use > of REBOL for teaching purpose: I will have to teach REBOL to my dev team.
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> Thanks in advance, > chr==
It is probably accurate to say that this is "not" a class on rebol, but a class on introduction to programming using rebol. The distinctions are: 1)At the time of writing, I was myself learning rebol. I'm nowhere as knowledgeable as many on this list, although I've done some commercial work in rebol. The focus was on the more fundamental concepts that apply to all/most languages. 2)The class was just the first of a series of 4: Following are Python, perl, and C/C++. I felt that rebol would be the ideal first programming language. Personally, I would hope that rebol would be my "last" programming language, as it has become my vehicle of choice for development, but the idea was to turn out students with exposure to more than one language. I hope to eventually set up a more advanced class in rebol, but that is not yet agreed upon. -- Tim Johnson <[info--johnsons-web--com]> "My shroe, my shroe, my dingkom for a shroe!" --TheManWhoSpeaksInAnagrams (Monty Python)

 [15/26] from: biker:timsi:pl at: 7-May-2001 20:07

On Monday, May 07, 2001 @ 9:43:42 AM you wrote: CPSSCCC> Hi Tim: CPSSCCC> I use for more than 6 month the excellent *free* editor *CRedit* by a guy CPSSCCC> named Plamen: CPSSCCC> I found it at (Google rulez ;) rgds. -- 2ker uin: 5901548

 [16/26] from: dvydra2:yaho:o at: 7-May-2001 11:40

I use MultiEdit. Its not free, but has a trial version and perhaps some sort of academic pricing. Regards, David Tim Johnson <[info--johnsons-web--com]> wrote: Hello All: I have designed and am teaching a class in rebol for high school as a first semester. I would welcome recommendations for a MS-Windows compatible editor that would enable syntax highlighting and be available at no fee. Myself, I use vim on both Linux and Windows, but I think either vim or emacs would be a little too difficult for some of the students. --Looking forward to opinions-- TIA -- Tim Johnson My shroe, my shroe, my dingkom for a shroe! --TheManWhoSpeaksInAnagrams (Monty Python) -- To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the subject, without the quotes. please reply to: [david--vydra--net]

 [17/26] from: timsporcic:homelinx at: 7-May-2001 20:06

Funny you should mention it. The syntax file dated from sometime in '99, obviously a bit behind the times. I submitted an updated wordfile.txt yesterday containing all the datatype!, action!, native! and function! words from View/Pro. He should be updating the word file on the site soon, but if anyone else uses UltraEdit and wants it I be happy to e-mail it to them. If I missed anything, please let me know. And Michael, please go ahead and send me your uedit32.ini. - Tim

 [18/26] from: davidv:angliaed at: 8-May-2001 9:17

Tim Another one that can be used is TextPad ( and is a 2.37MB download. It handles syntax highlighting (I can supply the one I use if want - but adapting a new one from any existing one is very simple, they are just text files), split screen, has a hex mode, multiple files, multiple search/replace, sort options, macros and lots of other nice options. The standard download is an evaluation copy but the only difference between the evaluation and full version is that the former will display a splash screen for a number of seconds upon startup. Pricing for licenses seems quite reasonable. Hope that helps David Viner

 [19/26] from: coussement:c:itc:mil:be at: 8-May-2001 9:14

Thanks for the info, Mat chr==

 [20/26] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 8-May-2001 7:36

From: "Tim Johnson"
> Hello All: > I have designed and am teaching a class in rebol
<<quoted lines omitted: 9>>
> -- > Tim Johnson
Hi, Tim, I probably wouldn't call it totally simple, but you may wish to at least check out SynEdit. It functions more closely to the MS-Windows model of computing, it is freeware, and it seems to correctly highlight REBOL/Core syntax. I can't offer an endrosement for it since I merely ran across it while looking for freebie editors. But it may fit the bill for your students. Primary link: Download link (avoids the annoying pop-up links at the actual download site link): Good luck with the course. As you've already figured out, you'll be teaching a truly useful programming tool. --Scott Jones

 [21/26] from: coussement:c:itc:mil:be at: 8-May-2001 13:46

Hi Tim: I checked: , but they release only ver 1.012 of CRedit. As promised, here is ver 1.013 of it. I hope this can get through the limitation of the mail server here. Should the attachement be ripped off or corrupted, just mail me and I'll try from home (where there is no limitation), or I will put it on my Web Site. <<>> Take care, chr== Capitaine C. COUSSEMENT Forces Armées Belges Centre de Recrutement et de Sélection Section de Recherche Psychologique Project Officer Computer Aided Testing Bruynstraat B-1120 BRUSSELS (N-O-H) BELGIUM *************************************************** *: +[32] 2 264 5344 Fax: +[32] 2 264 5431 e-mail: [coussement--c--itc--mil--be] ***************************************************
> -----Original Message----- > From: Tim Johnson [SMTP:[info--johnsons-web--com]]
<<quoted lines omitted: 24>>
> I see that the site is still off line. > Thanks!!
------ Attachments are virus free! This message has been scanned for viruses at the originating end by Nemx Anti-Virus for MS Exchange Server/IMC -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar -- -- Type: application/octet-stream -- File:

 [22/26] from: ammoncooke:yah:oo at: 8-May-2001 14:25

Please put it on your website. Thanks!! Ammon ----- Original Message ----- From: "CRS - Psy Sel/SPO, COUSSEMENT Christophe, CPN" <[COUSSEMENT--C--ITC--mil--be]>

 [23/26] from: rishioswal:yah:oo at: 8-May-2001 13:57

Textpad really works great.. Can anyone send me instructions on how to set up the syntax highlighting stuff for rebol using textpad. rishi --- David Viner <[davidv--angliaed--co--uk]> wrote:

 [24/26] from: ronald:gruss:libertysurf at: 9-May-2001 0:22

Hi Rishi,
> Textpad really works great.. Can anyone send me > instructions on how to set up the syntax highlighting > stuff for rebol using textpad. > > rishi
Yes, I agree, Textpad works well whith Rebol ;-)) Take the script below and save it into your ../textpad/samples folder under rebol.syn filename In TextPad, choose Config/New Class Name : Rebol Members : *.r and follow the instructions To choose the highlighting colors Config/Prefs/Classes/Rebol/Color Tip : in Config/Prefs/Tools , add Rebol and you can run the script you are editing whith a stroke of keys (I use Alt+R) --> Config/Prefs/Keyboard/Tools/Rebol ...and choose what you like. Hope it helps.Have fun. Ronald Gruss "Newbie" 8<--- ; TextPad syntax definitions for Rebol ( ; JKenyon generated 30-Apr-2001 C=1 [Syntax] Namespace1 = 6 IgnoreCase = Yes InitKeyWordChars = A-Za-z_$ KeyWordChars = A-Za-z0-9_$ BracketChars = []() OperatorChars PreprocStart SyntaxStart SyntaxEnd CommentStartAlt SingleComment = ; SingleCommentEsc StringStart = { StringEnd = } StringsSpanLines = Yes StringAlt = " StringEsc = \ CharStart CharEnd CharEsc = \ [Keywords 1] * ** + - / // < <<> == =?
or xor [Keywords 2] abs absolute action? add and~ any-block? any-function? any-string? any-type? any-word? at back binary? bitset? block? change char? clear complement copy cp datatype? date? decimal? divide email? empty? equal? error? even? event? fifth file? find first fourth function? get-word? greater-or-equal? greater? hash? head head? image? index? insert integer? issue? last length? lesser-or-equal? lesser? library? list? lit-path? lit-word? logic? make max maximum min minimum money? multiply native? negate negative? next none? not-equal? number? object? odd? op? or~ pair? paren? path? pick poke port? positive? power random refinement? remainder remove routine? same? second select series? set-path? set-word? skip sort strict-equal? strict-not-equal? string? struct? subtract tag? tail tail? third time? to trim tuple? unset? url? word? xor~ zero? [Keywords 3] action! any-block! any-function! any-string! any-type! any-word! binary! bitset! block! char! datatype! date! decimal! email! error! event! file! function! get-word! hash! image! integer! issue! library! list! lit-path! lit-word! logic! money! native! none! number! object! op! pair! paren! path! port! refinement! routine! series! set-path! set-word! string! struct! symbol! tag! time! tuple! unset! url! word! [Keywords 4] alias all any arccosine arcsine arctangent bind break browse call caret-to-offset catch checksum close comment compose compress connected? cosine crypt-strength? debase decompress dehex detab dh-compute-key dh-generate-key dh-make-key difference disarm do dsa-generate-key dsa-make-key dsa-make-signature dsa-verify-signature either else enbase entab exclude exists-key? exit exp foreach form free get get-modes halt hide if in input? intersect load log-10 log-2 log-e loop lowercase maximum-of minimum-of mold not now offset-to-caret open parse prin print protect q query quit read read-io recycle reduce repeat return reverse rsa-encrypt rsa-generate-key rsa-make-key save script? secure set set-modes show sine size-text square-root tangent textinfo throw to-hex to-local-file to-rebol-file trace try type? union unique unprotect unset until update uppercase use value? wait while write write-io [Keywords 5] basic-syntax-header crlf font-fixed font-sans-serif font-serif list-words outstr val value [Keywords 6] ? ?? about alert alter append array ask boot-prefs build-tag center-face change-dir charset choose clean-path clear-fields confine confirm context cvs-date cvs-version decode-cgi decode-url deflag-face delete demo desk desktop dir? dirize dispatch do-boot do-events do-face do-face-alt does dump-face dump-pane echo editor emailer emit exists-thru? exists? extract find-by-type find-key-face find-window flag-face flag-face? flash focus for forall forever forskip found? func function get-net-info get-style has help hide-popup import-email in-window? info? inform input insert-event-func inside? join launch launch-thru layout license link-app? link? list-dir load-image load-prefs load-thru make-dir make-face modified? net-error offset? open-events outside? parse-email-addrs parse-header parse-header-date parse-xml path-thru probe protect-system read-net read-thru reboot reform rejoin remold remove-event-func rename repend replace request request-color request-date request-download request-file request-list request-pass request-text resend save-prefs save-user screen-offset? scroll-para send set-font set-net set-para set-style set-user set-user-name show-popup size? source span? split-path stylize switch throw-on-error to-binary to-bitset to-block to-char to-date to-decimal to-email to-event to-file to-get-word to-hash to-idate to-image to-integer to-issue to-list to-lit-path to-lit-word to-logic to-money to-none to-pair to-paren to-path to-refinement to-set-path to-set-word to-string to-tag to-time to-tuple to-url to-word unfocus uninstall unview upgrade Usage vbug view view-install view-prefs view? viewed? what what-dir win-offset? within? write-user return at space pad across below origin guide tab tabs indent style styles size sense backcolor do none 8<---

 [25/26] from: elizabeththacker:bigpond at: 9-May-2001 15:57

Rishi and anyone else using Textpad, The script to produce the syntax files is on my reb site - It just queries system/words in the same way as 'help. Hence if you define your own funcs, for example cd: :change-dir, they will also be added to the syntax file when it is run. Grab the source from the reb site or run it directly from there. I don't think it would be too hard to modify the script for Ultraedit if anyone feels like it ... Looks like about 5 minutes work looking at the existing UltraEdit Rebol syntax file. May take a bit more work to modify it for the emacs mode though. Hope it comes in useful. Cheers, John

 [26/26] from: rene:villa-cossio at: 8-May-2001 20:30

There is only one editor... CygnusED :)

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