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 [1/3] from: kpeters:mvinc at: 26-Feb-2004 10:00

Hi All ~ Am trying to follow the "Dynamic scroller step adjustment" post in order to learn, but when I ran Gerard's snippet, Rebol complained: "Unknown word or style: scroller" ? I have downloaded the current View to make sure this is not due to an older version - so what I am missing? Thanks for your help, Kai PS: (Carl - thanks for your help with my previous post)

 [2/3] from: henrik:webz:dk at: 26-Feb-2004 20:10

Kai Peters wrote:
> Hi All ~ > > Am trying to follow the "Dynamic scroller step adjustment" post in order to learn, but when I ran Gerard's snippet, Rebol complained: "Unknown word or style: scroller" ? > > I have downloaded the current View to make sure this is not due to an older version - so what I am missing? > > Thanks for your help, > > Kai
Which version exactly? Scroller was not implemented until version 1.2.10 and forward. View 1.2.1 is the current official version, but the current beta is 1.2.41. The betas can be found here: -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [3/3] from: didec::tiscali::fr at: 27-Feb-2004 17:16

Re: Scroller?
> Which version exactly? Scroller was not implemented until version 1.2.10 > and forward. >
No, 'scroller style is present since View 1.2.8 It was the last full functionning beta (1.2.10 does not include installation and user prefs) This version is no longer available on the download site. So request someone to send it to you but, please tell us for witch OS you want it. DideC