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[REBOL]Right click on a MAC

 [1/4] from: sanghabum:aol at: 31-Aug-2001 17:18

Hi all, I don't have access to a MAC, but I'm writing some code that may one day have to run on one....Should be a doddle in Rebol, of course. But don't MAC mice have just one button? Could someone with a MAC tell me how Rebol/MAC handles right click---i.e. is this code feasible? unview/all view layout [button "Click me" [print "left"] [Print "right"]] I'd be interested too if there are any (other) features I need to be wary off in aiming for Win/MAC compatibility. Thanks, Colin.

 [2/4] from: max::ordigraphe::com at: 31-Aug-2001 17:43

Hi, I think if you hold down the mouse about a second or more, a right-mouse event is triggered! Not sure, but worth a try cheers! -Max Contrary to popular belief, Unix IS user-friendly... its just picky on who it considers a friend

 [3/4] from: pa:russo:perd at: 1-Sep-2001 12:10

>Hi all, > >I don't have access to a MAC, but I'm writing some code that may one day have >to run on one....Should be a doddle in Rebol, of course.
It will be, but not today... I'm writing down a long list of small (and not so small) incompatibilities. As soon as I'll get time to reorder my notes, I will submit them to REBOL Tech's feedback. Some flash: 1. Launching script from Desktop doesn't work; 2. I have problems pasting text from clipboard into the area style (it loses LF, etc...) 3. I have a customized event-loop which works perfectly on Windows and then it has a strange behaviour on Mac 4. Text seems to be bigger on Mac than on Windows (I had to make platform-sensitive the width of my menus...) Some of these problems could be due to my unexperience in REBOL/Mac programming, but some are not. So be careful...
>But don't MAC mice have just one button? Could someone with a MAC tell me how >Rebol/MAC handles right click---i.e. is this code feasible?
CTRL + click is the Mac equivalent for right click. I haven't tried still to trap it with REBOL, though.
>unview/all >view layout [button "Click me" [print "left"] [Print "right"]]
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
>[rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the >subject, without the quotes.
-- -- dr. Paolo Russo [pa--russo--perd--com] cell. 380 70 17 641

 [4/4] from: sanghabum:aol at: 1-Sep-2001 13:01

[pa--russo--perd--com] writes
> >I don't have access to a MAC, but I'm writing some code that may one day > have
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> reorder my notes, I will submit them to REBOL Tech's feedback. > Some flash:
Hi Paolo, Thanks. It must be doubly frustrating trying Rebol out under MAC. Not only is Rebol in general undocumented and occasionally flaky, but View is brand new on MAC so you are doing the groundbreaking work as (maybe) the first user. I hope Feedback are responsive when you contact them, --Coiln

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