Mailing List Archive: 49091 messages
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 [1/2] from: mh9831::comcast::net at: 1-Aug-2003 13:38

Librarian comment



It seems that escribe is no longer updated, since it's lastest message is from July 8th. And the new web list from RT only shows messages for the current month. Any way to see the messages between July 8th and August 1st? Anyway to see previous months from the new list page? mike

 [2/2] from: carl::cybercraft::co::nz at: 24-Dec-2003 22:29

On 02-Aug-03, [mh9831--comcast--net] wrote:
> It seems that escribe is no longer updated, since it's lastest > message is from July 8th. And the new web list from RT only shows > messages for the current month. Any way to see the messages between > July 8th and August 1st? Anyway to see previous months from the new > list page? > mike
You may be able to use Graham Chiu's list searcher to find all those posts... if it can be tricked into finding the dates of posts. Maybe Graham could suggest the best way to do it? -- Carl Read