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variables in pen color

 [1/3] from: keckman:welho at: 6-Aug-2010 22:40

Is there any way i can use variables in pen command? pen (r.g.b) There is no to-color function?

 [2/3] from: keckman:welho at: 6-Aug-2010 22:49

Petri Keckman <> kirjoitti Fri, 06 Aug 2010 22:40:07 +0300
> Is there any way i can use variables in pen command? > > pen (r.g.b) > > There is no to-color function?
yes there is: pen ((r * (1.0.)) + (g * (0.1.0)) + (b * (0.0.1)))

 [3/3] from: tomc:cs:uoregon at: 6-Aug-2010 13:01

Hi Petri the color is just a tuple. any tuple construction / manipulation infrastructure is at your disposal one method (not necessarily the best) pen: to-tuple compose[(r)(g)(b)] Petri Keckman wrote:
> Is there any way i can use variables in pen command? > > pen (r.g.b) > > There is no to-color function?
-- ... nice weather eh