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REBOL newsfeed?

 [1/3] from: ambassador::fourthworld::com at: 8-May-2004 13:19

Is there an RSS or JavaScript feed for news items from the REBOL community? Thanks in advance - -- Richard Gaskin Fourth World Media Corporation ___________________________________________________________ [Ambassador--FourthWorld--com]

 [2/3] from: carl:cybercraft at: 8-May-2004 22:35

On 09-May-04, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Is there an RSS or JavaScript feed for news items from the REBOL > community?
Hmmm. Well I created a REBOL community on Live Journal and that produces an RSS feed... I mention any major REBOL news there, though it's supposed to be a community as apposed to a news site. And I've been the only poster so far, (it having all of five members), so it's in no way the ideal place to get REBOL news. I suspect the other members are just general language junkies and not actually REBOL programmers. A dedicated REBOL news site & RSS feed's a very good idea. The hard part would be getting people with REBOL news to support it, as apposed to just posting their news to this list. Off topic: And speaking of Live Journal, if someone wants a REBOL programming challenge, they might like to create an LJ client. See... If aimed at View 1.2.1, it'd produce a major increase in the number of platforms LJ clients are available for and might help to get REBOL noticed a bit more. Well over a half a million active LJ users about. -- Carl Read

 [3/3] from: carl:cybercraft at: 13-May-2004 1:08

On 09-May-04, Carl Read wrote:
> Off topic: > And speaking of Live Journal, if someone wants a REBOL programming
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> REBOL noticed a bit more. Well over a half a million active LJ users > about.
More on Live Journal: It's just won a peoples-choice Webby for most popular community... # -- Carl Read

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