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Marry X-mas (was: Testing)

 [1/2] from: hallvard::ystad::oops-as::no at: 24-Dec-2004 0:51

Dixit PeterWAWood (00.02 24.12.2004):
>>>... So what went on on for four days? >A good question. I'll pass it on to RT.
I know. You're doing a good job on this, collecting all that data. Thanks. It seems to me that the googlegroup thing could work just fine for rebol ML like communication, but I believe it would still be best if a rebol ML had an address... So, this might arrive a little too late for some (like myself), who must wait four days for messages to appear (who are being scrutinized and examined by here - the suicide bomber emails or... the recepients?!), but anyway: A merry Christmas to all rebolers! Happy holidays! HY

 [2/2] from: pwawood::mango::net::my at: 24-Dec-2004 9:26

Hallvard And a Happy Christmas to you. Peter