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returning 'feel to other faces

 [1/3] from: reboler::programmer::net at: 14-Mar-2002 16:04

I have a main View page, divided into four non-overlapping boxes. Each of these boxes is given a pane with several styles in it. The main page also has a fifth box which partially overlaps three of the other boxes, which is not shown initially because the 'show? option is set to 'false. It, too, is filled with a pane. Initially, everything displays and reacts correctly. I can get the fifth box/pane to show (there is a button in the first box/pane that sets show? to 'true), and it's 'action events all work correctly, including unshowing itself (set 'show? to 'false). The problem: Any part of any other face which was temporarily covered by the fifth face, no longer reacts to the mouse. Parts of faces never covered work as before. I have tried various combinations of... remove find face/parent-face/pane face insert face/parent-face/pane face ... borrowed from the "dragbox" example, but can't seem to reset the faces to their original configuration. Anybody with any ideas? -- _______________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at is giving away two million travel miles.;3969773;6991039;g?,,TRAVELOCITY,00.html

 [2/3] from: info:id-net:ch at: 14-Mar-2002 23:04

My solution to use different faces in a same windows is to create boxes, fill with a block, then the block is converted to a layout when everything is set, and finally the pane of the box is set to be the layout.... i.e. infocentral/pane: layout-infocentral. and then show.. With this, no problem of overlapping, and no reaction Everytime i want to change the content of a box, i use this sequence... 0. (create-the-box-into-the-main-window) 1.(clear-the-block) 2. fill-the-block or append-the-block 3.convert-the-block-into-layout ( i.e reload-LayerLeft: func [][LayerLeft-LT: layout/size/offset Layerleft 260x235 0x0] 4. the-box/pane: LayerLeft-LT 5. show the-box Philippe ----- Original Message ----- From: "alan parman" <[reboler--programmer--net]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:04 PM Subject: [REBOL] returning 'feel to other faces
> I have a main View page, divided into four non-overlapping boxes. Each of
these boxes is given a pane with several styles in it. The main page also has a fifth box which partially overlaps three of the other boxes, which is not shown initially because the 'show? option is set to 'false. It, too, is filled with a pane.
> Initially, everything displays and reacts correctly. > > I can get the fifth box/pane to show (there is a button in the first
box/pane that sets show? to 'true), and it's 'action events all work correctly, including unshowing itself (set 'show? to 'false).
> The problem: Any part of any other face which was temporarily covered by
the fifth face, no longer reacts to the mouse. Parts of faces never covered work as before.
> I have tried various combinations of... > remove find face/parent-face/pane face > insert face/parent-face/pane face > ... borrowed from the "dragbox" example, but can't seem to reset the faces
to their original configuration.
> Anybody with any ideas? > > -- > > _______________________________________________ > Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at > > > is giving away two million travel miles. >;3969773;6991039;g? romos/millionmiles_main/0,,TRAVELOCITY,00.html

 [3/3] from: reboler:programmer at: 15-Mar-2002 9:22

Boy do I feel sheepish! I guess I really overthought this one. A simple 'show - 'hide combination works just fine! Doh!!! Thanks, Phillippe for your response. Just proves how simple REBOL really is. -- _______________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at is giving away two million travel miles.;3969773;6991039;g?,,TRAVELOCITY,00.html