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Number of variables used by my program

 [1/3] from: info::id-net::ch at: 20-Feb-2002 22:40

Hi all, I got a big application did with rebol, 131 ko without core and i want to count the variables (words) used by my program. I have a 1.3 ghz pentium so i dont have problem to use the program. It's very fast, but i want to know if having a lots of variables (often not declared as /local to function) uses a lots of resources (in the case of using the prog with 200Mhz for exemple). Is the number of variables in memory a big factor for a slow of the processes. Is there a way to count them ? Philippe

 [2/3] from: ryanc:iesco-dms at: 20-Feb-2002 16:35

[length? first system/words] should do it. It starts off around 2191, and you run out at 4096. According to my tests, size or context of a word does not effect performance. I am pretty sure the number of words has no effect also. --Ryan Philippe Oehler wrote:

 [3/3] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 21-Feb-2002 2:08

Hi Philippe,
> Is the number of variables in memory a big factor for a slow of the > processes.
I don't think.
> Is there a way to count them ?
if memory is not a problem (32 byte at least for every var), the max number of global word is +- 4096
>> length? first system/words
--- Ciao Romano