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CALLing htpasswd

 [1/2] from: carlos:lorenz::gmail at: 2-Mar-2010 14:30

Hi list, IŽd like to call htpasswd from my REBOL script I tried to do what follows below with no success: *#!rebol -cs* *REBOL[]* *print "content-type: text/html ^/^/"* *probe call "htpasswd /home/revistae/public_html/.passfile jane Pss4Jane"* The script always returns 0 but wonŽt create the password file. Thanks for any help Carlos

 [2/2] from: carlos:lorenz:gmai:l at: 2-Mar-2010 15:35

Hi folks, I have discovered my error. I forgot to pass the path to the binary in the Call command The fixed script is: *#!rebol -cs* *REBOL[]* *print "content-type: text/html ^/^/"* *probe call "/usr/bin/htpasswd /home/revistae/public_html/.passfile jane Pss4Jane"* * * *Thanks for your time ;)* * * * * 2010/3/2 Carlos Lorenz <>