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ANN: xml-object.r

 [1/2] from: gavin:mckenzie:sympatico:ca at: 18-Jul-2001 15:31

Hi folks, So, rather than finish namespace processing on my XML parser, I built something else that I needed... I liked the way decode-cgi builds an object out of a CGI submission, and I needed the equivalent for XML processing -- the ability to load an XML document and convert it to an object hierarchy. The benefit is the ability to use REBOL's path syntax to address the contents of the XML document. The function xml-to-object handles nested elements, attributes, and even mixed content. This time I've created a lengthy HTML document illustrating its uses. Check out the xml-object.r documentation page on The script is at I hope someone else will find it useful. As usual, feedback (on either the software or the docs) is most welcome. Note: I did fix a bug in xml-parse.r. Current version is 0.7.2. See website for updates. Best Regards, Gavin.

 [2/2] from: brett::codeconscious::com at: 19-Jul-2001 14:20

Nice work Gavin! Thanks for some great code and documentation :) Brett.