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 [1/6] from: rebol665:ifrance at: 6-Nov-2002 21:02

Hi rebollers, What the hell is this? I am receiving 3 mails with weird content from Christophe.R. Has he a got a virus, or is it me ? I want to get rid of Outlook Express asap. Does anybody have a decent rebol email client ? Pat

 [2/6] from: laurent::giroud::libertysurf::fr at: 6-Nov-2002 22:51

Hi Pat, those emails were actually sent to the list, it looks like Christopher was infected by the bugbear : this virus copies some parts of emails from the infected machine to look more natural to the recipient when it propagates. <shameless adversising plug> If you don't mind paying for email software, I'd suggest "The Bat" from ritlabs ( This is a very nice program, small, able to handle multiple pop/imap accounts, with a very usable GUI (written in Delphi it seems), and is absolutely insensitive to all classical windows virii. It costs only 35 US$ so it's really not expensive at all and you can try it for free during one month to see if it fits your needs. Frankly, I'd be using an open source or Rebol email client if there was one (or had the courage to write one) with all the features I need but for this price this program simply beats everything I tested. It even supports OpenPGP external DLLs to write/read cyphered/signed emails... </shameless advertising plug> Regards, Laurent Wednesday, November 6, 2002, 9:02:09 PM, pat665 wrote :
> Hi rebollers, > What the hell is this? I am receiving 3 mails with weird content from
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> email client ? > Pat
-- Laurent Giroud

 [3/6] from: rebologue::yahoo at: 6-Nov-2002 14:58

FWIW, I recommend "The Bat" as well. I've have a very good experience with it for the past few months. Regards, Ed --- Laurent Giroud wrote:
> <shameless adversising plug> > If you don't mind paying for email software, I'd
<<quoted lines omitted: 18>>
> Regards, > Laurent
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 [4/6] from: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 7-Nov-2002 0:44

Hi Ed, On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, 11:58:13 PM, you wrote: EOC> FWIW, I recommend "The Bat" as well. I've have a very EOC> good experience with it for the past few months. I'm starting to wonder if it's just a coincidence... but I use The Bat! too. :-) It's not perfect, but I like it. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB:

 [5/6] from: brett:codeconscious at: 7-Nov-2002 10:40

> Frankly, I'd be using an open source or Rebol email client if there was
one (or Phil Bevan has a REBOL based email client. In REBOL/View Goto Regards, Brett.

 [6/6] from: mat:plothatching at: 6-Nov-2002 23:26

Hi Ed, Ed> FWIW, I recommend "The Bat" as well. I've have a very Ed> good experience with it for the past few months. It's the best e-mail client going and I've tried them all in my search :) The only thing it's not very good at is IMAP. Regards, Mat.

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