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RES: Re: Divide a file

 [1/2] from: castellani-cpt::itautec-philco::com::br at: 10-Dec-2003 13:30

Some doubts... It's run under rebol/core ? I'll distribute this script to a client. How he can do to run it without open rebol, just with a command line ? Marcelo, just a begginer... -----Mensagem original----- De: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]Em nome de Al TS Enviada em: quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2003 11:29 Para: [rebol-list--rebol--com] Assunto: [REBOL] Re: Divide a file Please find this little part of code : REBOL [] fsplit: get in context [ fsplit: func [ {split the file in files with names root-name1 root-name2 ... of block-size length. } file root-name block-size /local source-file data destination-file file-count file-name ] [ file-count: 0 source-file: open/read/binary/direct/no-wait file while [data: copy/part source-file block-size] [ file-count: file-count + 1 file-name: rejoin [to-file root-name file-count] destination-file: open/write/binary/direct file-name insert destination-file data close destination-file ] close source-file ] ] 'fsplit ; fsplit c:\winzip.log "winziplog" 16384 ; split winzip.log file in files winziplog1 winziplog2 ... of 16Kb length Hope this help ! -yos Marcelo Fontes Castellani <[castellani-cpt--itautec-philco--com--br]> wrote: Hi guys I need to upload an file to my FTP site but I need to divide this file in multiple files. For example, if file have 2048 KB I need to divide it in 2 (1024 and 1024). I can do it with Rebol, ok ? If I can, how can I do ?... Thanks and a hug...

 [2/2] from: carlos:lorenz:bol at: 10-Dec-2003 15:13

Marcelo I guess once your client has REBOL/Core he/she can invoke it passing your script as an argument in command line. Just create a batch file to do it Carlos Lorenz Em Qua 10 Dez 2003 14:30, Marcelo Fontes Castellani escreveu: