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Interesting plug-in code

 [1/5] from: mario:cassani:icl at: 14-Nov-2001 12:39

Hi all, taking a look to PNG related links i found these: Netscape IE 5.5+ ActiveX Nescape wrapper If the second one works (I get a white page) only one plugin is needed for REBOL. Anyone knows something new about REBOL plug-in status or priority? Zaijian Mario

 [2/5] from: ptretter:charter at: 14-Nov-2001 6:58 for the REBOL plugin. Paul Tretter

 [3/5] from: greg_piney::mcgraw-hill::com at: 14-Nov-2001 12:10

Speaking of the plugin, Has anyone got the plugin to work with Netscape 6.2? The only thing it wants to do is save the file. TIA, Greg Piney Paul Tretter <[ptretter--charter--net]> on 11/14/2001 07:58:42 AM Please respond to [rebol-list--rebol--com] To: [rebol-list--rebol--com] cc: (bcc: Greg Piney/McGraw-Hill/US) Subject [REBOL] Re: Interesting plug-in code : for the REBOL plugin. Paul Tretter

 [4/5] from: rpgwriter:yaho:o at: 14-Nov-2001 10:26

--- Paul Tretter <[ptretter--charter--net]> wrote:
> for the REBOL > plugin.
Right, but that doesn't tell us about the priority or progress on getting something that works with newer version of IE (which still supports plugin-like functionality via ActiveX, even though it no longer supports netscape-style plugins). Chris

 [5/5] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 16-Nov-2001 13:31

Last I read from RT, they were saying the ActiveX api was disgusting to look at. Anton.