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Interview with Olivier ....

 [1/4] from: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 10-Apr-2003 13:28

Hi, there is interview with Olivier Auverlot ... french guys stay pretty silent about their happenings, don't they? :-) sadly the interview is in french only .... cheers, -pekr-

 [2/4] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 11-Apr-2003 3:50

> Hi, > there is interview with Olivier Auverlot ... french guys stay pretty
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> cheers, > -pekr-
I will attempt to translate the first paragraph: Interview of Olivier Auverlot by the rebolers Author of the book "Programmation Rebol" and RebolFrance webmaster, Olivier responds to all No's questions (No' = Bruno Bord). 1) When did you first hear of rebol ? If I remember correctly, it was in 1997. I stumbled on a news item in the magazine Login which described Carl Sassenrath's project to conceive a new programming language concurrent with Java. I was at that time occupied with understanding how the marketing of Sun had succeeded in convincing me that Java was a revolution. Deceived by this language, I downloaded version 1.0 of rebol and I installed it on my 486DX4/100 in Linux. It was slow and totally different from all that I knew but it was already evident that the potential was incredible. I then wrote my first script and tested it on the Windows evaluation version. As in a miracle, everything functioned the first time to perfection and without modification. Fallen under the charm, I stacked my old Java books in a case and I believe they are still there... Maybe paragraph two tomorrow? Anton.

 [3/4] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 11-Apr-2003 16:12

On Thu, 10 Apr 2003 13:28:04 +0200 Petr Krenzelok <[petr--krenzelok--trz--cz]> wrote:
> > >sadly the interview is in french only ....
English here: -- Graham Chiu Rebol Encyclopaedia Taskmaster

 [4/4] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 11-Apr-2003 16:07

> >
My translation of Paragraph two: What drew you to this language? The first seductive aspect of rebol is the independance of scripts with regard to the platform of execution. Rebol is the only programming language which offers such a new abstraction for the programmer. It happens daily that I run the same scripts under Windows, Linux and MacOS X. When I develop in Rebol, I do not have to think of or take into account the operating system used. Rebol is equally unbelievably gifted in the domain of data manipulation. I love the dynamic aspects of the language like the contextual evaluation which allows for example the auto-generation of rebol code at script execution time. Its architectural model based on a meta-language, its capacities in the domain of network programming, its innovating aspects such as dialects and especially its functional richness, make it a cutting-edge, innovative development solution. Thanks Graham for the google translation link, it was useful. Anton.

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