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Where to find "Style Chapter"?

 [1/6] from: isml_smile::hotmail at: 11-May-2007 2:05

I am new to REBOL and trying to read "REBOL/View Developer's Guide". In Section "5.1. Predefined Styles", it says, "The predefined styles are listed below. For more information about each of these styles, refer to the Styles chapter (a separate document). " What i want to know is where i could find the document. thanks for any advice _________________________________________________________________ 享用世界上最大的电子邮件系统— MSN Hotmail。

 [2/6] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 10-May-2007 20:19

Hi Hu, HH> I am new to REBOL and trying to read "REBOL/View Developer's Guide". In HH> Section "5.1. Predefined Styles", it says, "The predefined styles are HH> listed below. For more information about each of these styles, refer to the HH> Styles chapter (a separate document). " HH> What i want to know is where i could find the document. I don't think that document exits, at least I've never seen it. Maybe it did at one point, but has been lost somewhere along the way. The more recent View graphic system reference doc ( contains a lot of great information, but it doesn't talk about the standard styles. The mailing list index on will also have a lot of good info, but you'll have to search for it. One of the bigger problems with REBOL is that docs and community knowledge are scattered various places and not always easy to find. You might also look into RebGUI, which is an alternative to VID, and has excellent docs to go along with it. If you have specific questions, or even general questions, ask them here and we might be able to point you in the right direction. Happy REBOLing! -- Gregg

 [3/6] from: isml_smile:hotma:il at: 11-May-2007 2:33

Thanks to Gregg. It is true that there are less docs in REBOL than in other language. Maybe it is because REBOL is much easier to use than any other language:) Actually i have another question. When i use "send" function to send email, it fails when my smtp server needs authentication. I wonder if it is a commercial function. Thanks for your help.
>From: Gregg Irwin <> >Reply-To:
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
>Hi Hu, >HH> I am new to REBOL and trying to read "REBOL/View Developer's Guide".
>HH> Section "5.1. Predefined Styles", it says, "The predefined styles are >HH> listed below. For more information about each of these styles, refer
to the
>HH> Styles chapter (a separate document). " >HH> What i want to know is where i could find the document.
<<quoted lines omitted: 16>>
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 [4/6] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 10-May-2007 21:09

Hi Hu, HH> It is true that there are less docs in REBOL than in other language. Maybe HH> it is because REBOL is much easier to use than any other language:) REBOL is easy to begin with, but it's also very deep, and not all the details are doc'd (officially). I think the original Core manual does a good job, and covers things pretty well, along with the word-browser/online function reference, you can go a long way. We all want better docs though, including RT. :) HH> Actually i have another question. When i use "send" function to send email, HH> it fails when my smtp server needs authentication. I wonder if it is a HH> commercial function. If you put your ESMTP info in %user.r, under the set-net call, it should work, if you're using a newer release. Older versions just included SMTP. The last two params to set-net are your ESMTP user and password (do ? set-net in the console to see all the params). The Viewtop (built-in desktop) hasn't been updated to include them yet AFAIK. -- Gregg

 [5/6] from: isml_smile:ho:tmail at: 11-May-2007 3:15

Thanks for your continuous help.
>From: Gregg Irwin <> >Reply-To:
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
>Hi Hu, >HH> It is true that there are less docs in REBOL than in other language.
>HH> it is because REBOL is much easier to use than any other language:) >REBOL is easy to begin with, but it's also very deep, and not
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
>want better docs though, including RT. :) >HH> Actually i have another question. When i use "send" function to send
>HH> it fails when my smtp server needs authentication. I wonder if it is a >HH> commercial function.
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
>To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to >lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
_________________________________________________________________ 享用世界上最大的电子邮件系统— MSN Hotmail。

 [6/6] from: anton::wilddsl::net::au at: 12-May-2007 16:14

I don't remember the "Style Chapter", but here is how to list all the available VID styles: print mold extract system/view/vid/vid-styles 2 And you can see a style's entire definition like this: print mold svv/vid-styles/button print mold svv/vid-styles/field ; etc.. Getting into your editor can be done like this: write clipboard:// mold svv/vid-styles/button then paste into a new document in your editor. (I use Crimson Editor on Windows, for which there is a rebol syntax highlighter available.) This gives you a chance to read exactly how the style works, and an insight into how to modify it to do what you want. I do the above steps very frequently when creating new styles, as I want to see if there is a built-in style which does close to what I want to derive from. Every style can be modified with "facets" (face attributes), which can be mentioned after a style name in a LAYOUT spec. These words can be seen here: print mold remove-each item copy svv/facet-words [function? :item] So the above words can be applied to all the styles, but some styles also have a few style-specific dialect words. Here are the styles with specific dialect words: foreach [style face] svv/vid-styles [if face/words [print [style remove-each item copy face/words [function? :item]]]] To see if the dialect expects any arguments, we do the same except we don't remove the functions: foreach [style face] svv/vid-styles [if face/words [print [style mold face/words]]] Hope that helps, if you have any more specific questions at all about how to do something, this is the place to ask. Regards, Anton.

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