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web-based archive for this list

 [1/9] from: dvydra2::yahoo::com at: 20-Jan-2001 9:03

this is the most active rebol list and a great knowledgebase. are there searchable archives on the web? regards, david

 [2/9] from: al:bri:xtra at: 21-Jan-2001 10:05

David wrote:
> This is the most active rebol list and a great knowledgebase. Are there
searchable archives on the web? Try: Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [3/9] from: dvydra2:yaho:o at: 21-Jan-2001 9:08

thanks Andrew. do you know how often this archive is updated? It seems to stop in October 2000. regards david --- Andrew Martin <[Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz]> wrote:

 [4/9] from: jeff:rebol at: 21-Jan-2001 9:19

Howdy, David: It hasn't been updated since then when we changed the list to list-star which broke the archiver and we haven't found the time to fix that yet. If and when we do we'll mass update the archive. Sterling, myself, and a fellow named Andrew Grossman built the original stuff, but Andrew left, and Sterling and I have been too swamped with work to take care of it. I intended to go work on the script submission bot on friday but got sidetracked on some work related to Express through this weekend. What's really needed is a brave seriously interested individual(s) who wants to take over running Attempts to get that going before have lost momentum. I also think someone is archiving the list at egroups?? -jeff

 [5/9] from: norsepower:uswest at: 20-Jan-2001 15:06

eScribe is your friend

 [6/9] from: norsepower:uswest at: 21-Jan-2001 15:47

> I also think someone is archiving the list at egroups?? > > -jeff
nope. I started the archive at eScribe because it has a better search engine than (sorry, but true.) The eScribe archive begins July 2000 and so between and eScribe, you should have pretty much the whole list available for searching. -Ryan

 [7/9] from: dvydra2:y:ahoo at: 21-Jan-2001 15:31

Ryan, Great job! Thanks much. david --- "<[norsepower--uswest--net]>" <[norsepower--uswest--net]> wrote:

 [8/9] from: deryk:iitowns at: 22-Jan-2001 12:25

[jeff--rebol--net] wrote:
> Howdy, David: > It hasn't been updated since then when we changed the list
<<quoted lines omitted: 11>>
> Attempts to get that going before have lost momentum. > I also think someone is archiving the list at egroups??
This may sound kinda silly, but why duplicate the work that the list software is fully capable of? :) The only thing that would need to be done after the list archiving option is enabled would be for Rebol to spit out HTML of the dir/message tree. Deryk

 [9/9] from: rphilipp:suffolk:lib:ny:us at: 22-Jan-2001 7:10

Thanks, I didn't even know this site existed. It certainly would save me a lot of time. Robert P.

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