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REBOL might be easy, but not with this documentation

 [1/5] from: rebolmikko:ya:hoo at: 18-Oct-2001 3:14

I'm reporting my very early experiences as a REBOL programmer - although I have read about the progress with the language several years, I just hours ago started to program my first scripts. The problem with programming REBOL is that the documentation lacks. It is well written sort of and I guess everything is there, BUT: it clearly shows that someone too familiar with the language has written it. Let's take the problem I solved just minutes ago as example: I wanted to have a window with no borders and no title. I had no idea what to do. I looked at quite many documents, such as the beginner's guide to REBOL/View, but no help. After some time I tried the command-line help (I didn't read about command line help anywhere, I just tried it because many systems have such thing). Ok, I had already knowledge about view-command, so I instantly saw that I had to use refinements . So I tried: "view/options [no-title no-border] layout[...". After some more time I finally found an example by using altavista search +view/options +rebol from, which showed that "[no-title no-border]" must come after the layout block. Ok, so I didn't read the manuals very well before starting to program - but how many does? I understand that REBOL Technologies might not have huge resources to put on writing the documentation. But how about adding a possibility to send short scripts with errors to and using them as a material for producing a better error parser (the current one isn't very good, you admit?)? I guess my personal problems will go away with the books I have ordered, but not all of the millions of programmers you are trying to lure to use REBOL will buy a book... 8) Cheers, Mikko Mäkelä

 [2/5] from: carl:cybercraft at: 19-Oct-2001 0:28

On 18-Oct-01, Mikko "Mäkelä wrote:
> I'm reporting my very early experiences as a REBOL > programmer - although I have read about the progress
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> guess everything is there, BUT: it clearly shows that > someone too familiar with the language has written it.
Currently you need to seperate Core from View when it comes to documentation. Core is reasonably well documented. I find I turn to the User Guide first when looking for info, (well, after the console help has failed me), though I do wish it had an index. (I'm talking about the book here, but it's online on RT's site too.) View on the other hand hasn't any books yet, (and it looks like the first one to cover it will be in French), so we're left with what's online, which is partly on RT's website and partly on their rebsite. (Accessed via the View Desktop.) Plus there's some of the old beta docs about that cover View (as apposed to VID) better than the latter ones. See the following for instance... though of course some of that might be out of date now.
> Let's take the problem I solved just minutes ago as > example: I wanted to have a window with no borders and
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
> Ok, so I didn't read the manuals very well before > starting to program - but how many does?
Complaining about the lack of documentation and then saying you don't read it very well anyway is, ummm, err, something. (: But you are right - the definitive REBOL book (or online guide) hasn't been written yet, and the View docs leave a lot to be desired. Hopefully a View book will be out soon - it's sure needed. However, a reasonable understanding of Core is needed before you can do much with View. Function refinements for instance are explained well in the Core Guide. See...
> I understand > that REBOL Technologies might not have huge resources
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> programmers you are trying to lure to use REBOL will > buy a book... 8)
Well, the Core User Guide's online, so full marks to RT for that.
> Cheers, > Mikko Mäkelä
-- Carl Read

 [3/5] from: office::thousand-hills::net at: 18-Oct-2001 8:00

I downloaded a script from and I think one was zipped into the REBOL -that sends error report via a pop up window to mail it directly. I will look for the file. John fAt 03:14 AM 10/18/2001 -0700, you wrote:

 [4/5] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 18-Oct-2001 13:07

Hi Mikko, I've only been REBOLing for a few months, so I'm in sort of the same position you are. << The problem with programming REBOL is that the documentation lacks. It is well written sort of and I guess everything is there, BUT: it clearly shows that someone too familiar with the language has written it. >> It's kind of an ironic situation. There's an embarassment of riches to be found in all the sample scripts that people have on their REB sites and in the library, but it's difficult to find what you want and extract it. Also, as a beginner, it is not always clear *why* things are done or what the important details are. I often find myself extracting a bit of code and immediately breaking it because I didn't understand what all it was doing. It's not always clear if something is being done the way RT intended us to do things or if it's a workaround. OTOH, I've been able, as a beginnger, to accomplish things that no beginner has the right to do. :) I'm trying to keep track of things as I learn them, so please feel free to post here, or send me mail, when you come up with a question that you think newcomers will want answered. --Gregg

 [5/5] from: allenk:powerup:au at: 19-Oct-2001 7:15

This is also in the FAQ at And of course using "? view" on the command line. But maybe the output of help isn't enough if you haven't read the basic /core manuals. Articles and documentation written from the beginners perspective are needed, feel free to contribute. (another article plug ;-) Cheers, Allen K Learn to crawl first, then walk ... core before view.

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