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System-wide console?

 [1/2] from: geza67:freestart:hu at: 31-Aug-2001 21:23

Hello REBOLers, I just wondered, would it be possible to make the console:// port system-wide. I mean, that some other ports (e.g. tpc://) are system-wide in nature and can be used for IPC (inter-process communication) on the same one PC. If general (outside REBOL) console - keyboard - input events could be intercepted and generated, one could make e.g. a keyboard macro system using REBOL thus LAUNCHING and CONTROLLING external programs without /View/Pro. Am I an wrong track? -- Best regards, Geza Lakner MD mailto:[geza67--freestart--hu]

 [2/2] from: max::ordigraphe::com at: 31-Aug-2001 17:40

Hi Geza, All you need to run apps without /pro is a tcp server which executes the string it receives... you can build it in other languages (Like python... oooh... that was shamefull to say)... I have not yet really looked into doing so, but basically, the tcp port makes Rebol wide open.... And there is nothing anyone can do to close that. and lets all admit that we've all had such an "evil" idea... ;-) I am about to start work on a very powerfull notification-based MS exchange-like corporate data system... By what I read of rebol-express it will definitely be alike in some regards. So Rebol is open, but its a question of putting the effort... in the end it almost always pays off... So far, it the first time I feel that I can really tacke any problem. I don't see many limits in rebol... which is cool. I understand why rebol/pro isn't free, and I most probably will be purchasing it at my new job. I mean the cost of Rebo/view/pro is less than the time it will cost my boss to pay me to find a way out like that I proposed above... so why comlpain! I'm happy to reward Carl and the gang for their efforts! cheers! -Max Contrary to popular belief, Unix IS user-friendly... its just picky on who it considers a friend