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VID Extension Kit

 [1/17] from: henrikmk:g:mail at: 29-Aug-2009 16:17

This will be quick and dirty: The VID Extension Kit for R2: This is a library that overhauls VID and the styles to improve the experience in using it and creating bigger programs with it. This is very much a work in progress, but if I continue to keep it under wraps, I'll never get it out. :-) Quick feature list: - Full tab navigation - Field validation and autoformatting - Full resizing - Many new flags - Much better face control: disabling/enabling faces, different setting and getting of panels, complex face navigation - Many new styles: Selectors, balancers, lists, fields, panels, scrollers, iterators - Many VID bugs are fixed, although the impossible ones still remain - Many new VID bugs are introduced as well :-) Some styles are not working. Try it out at: A simple style browser is available at: Very preliminary docs at: I'll release the full sources later, but have a look and see what you think. Remember to ask questions. -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [2/17] from: david:may10:ntlworld at: 29-Aug-2009 21:07

Hello Henrik, Saturday, August 29, 2009, 3:17:57 PM, you wrote:
> This will be quick and dirty: > The VID Extension Kit for R2:
<<quoted lines omitted: 24>>
> Regards, > Henrik Mikael Kristensen
very nice Henrik. do many people use it today ?, or are most people on the net still advocating and writing Python or indeed anything But rebol for their and the majority of average peoples GUI video related scripting needs today! its a shame no one capable or willing so far was to take the likes the complimentary Video related (see most non rebol people see 'VID' and assume video related API options) display wrappers like The Old Kaa Media python modules Repository and translate it, or refactor it for the rebol modules use. i was even surprised the other day when it turns out GUI creators are still using the old Amiga Gui4Cli interpreter and its scripts ported to windows for their GUI Encoder needs today rather than Rebol View, and they have a large user base using that GUI to multi cross platform Encoders app today. The Kaa Media Repository is a set of python modules related to media. Kaa modules are based on parts from Freevo and modules created for MeBox. Kaa exists to encourage code sharing between these projects, and to serve as an umbrella for several previously disparate media-related modules in order to make them available from one (unique) namespace. Kaa provides a base module that implements the common features needed for application development, such as mainloop management, timers, signals, callbacks, file descriptor monitors, etc. Kaa's other modules provide specific media-related functionality, such as retrieving metadata on arbitrary media files (kaa.metadata, previously called mmpython), Python wrappers for Imlib2, Xine, and Evas, and many other high level APIs for easily creating applications that deal with video and audio. Kaa is named after the python character in the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. -- Best regards, david

 [3/17] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 29-Aug-2009 15:27

* david may <> [090829 13:14]:
> do many people use it today ?, or are most people on the net still > advocating and writing Python or indeed anything But rebol for their > and the majority of average peoples GUI video related scripting needs > today!
I prefer rebol for much of what I do - but read on: Not meant to be an argument but a statement of policy. My company's mission statement is about open source. Based on the more proprietory nature of the vid dialect, I have never used rebol/view. in the 10 years that I have been programming in rebol. Just rebol/core. My partner and I have agreed that we will use open source libraries for GUI applications. Therefore, it is in our agreement that he (primarily a perl programmer) and I (rebol, python, newlisp, javascript) will use (as an example TKinter). And we've done precious little of that since we have found (for our work) that html and javascript and CGI can do what we need to do for our customers, in terms of interfaces. I have no argument with the rebol components that are closed source. That is Carl Sassenrath's Business plan :) and that's his business. But my business is with Open Source as much as is possible. I can recall some pretty spirited ( :) but never mean-spirited) exchanges on the topic of Open Source here on this ML. I'm just happy to have rebol for the uses that I put it to. It is a thing of beauty. regards. -- Tim

 [4/17] from: gerardcote::gmail at: 29-Aug-2009 21:46

2009/8/29 Henrik Mikael Kristensen <>
> Hi HenriK,
What a nice contribution. Many of us missed such a VID GUI ADD-ON toolset. Many new useful features and better overall use added. Would like to see some Tree like display but already having a true scrollbar that works like in others GUI systems is awesome. Didn't look to see if it already exists. Hope there will be some similar tool set for R3 so that what we'll learn here will be reusable... Do you know about Carls plans for the new R3 VID? Will there be some similarities ? I really didn't follow discussions about the new R3 GUI on Altme. May be I should read them before asking. One first comment : The below start address is OK but it differs from the one that is included in the preliminary doc. I really asks myself if the Key formatter could not be used as some kind of Intelligent Coder Helper a bit like the Viva REBOL project plans to do. That is when coding some REBOL sentence the entry point could start, on demand, a selective help that would display in a pop-up the list of parameters (drawn directly from REBOL's reflection property of the language) Some DSL coudl be required to do so like an intelligent assistant would do for the programmer but nevertheless it could be a rich add-on towards a complete intelligent IDE and/or dev framework. It's the most interesting thing I saw since RebGui and the Vive-REBOL project to help better support and then promote the use of REBOL itself for more advanced GUI dev... Thanks. I can help you to test it and report (in the format you want - like in codecure for example) what has to be reworked if you need to. Do you have such a list of known bugs to prevent that you received many times the same items ? Do you know if Carl has some plan to correct the known low-level bugs for R2 in the future, when R3 up and running and more free time comes by ? When you are ready let me know. Regards, Gerard =================================
> Try it out at: >
<<quoted lines omitted: 10>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- Gérard Côté Québec, Canada

 [5/17] from: gerardcote:g:mail at: 29-Aug-2009 21:54

Sorry Maxim, In my list of useful add-ons or available replacements for the current VID, I forgot to mention your Glayout addition. I just never took the time yet to play seriously with it. This has to come in next months. Thanks, Gerard PS. Tim, Your approach is safe and many of us have thought of doing the same way but not necessary for the same reasons In my case it was the limitations of the GUI toolset (and my own limited knowledgeof VDI internals) that drove me to look for alternatives I knew about ========================================================== -- Gérard Côté Québec, Canada

 [6/17] from: henrikmk:gm:ail at: 30-Aug-2009 9:10

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 3:46 AM, G=E9rard C=F4t=E9<> wrote:
> 2009/8/29 Henrik Mikael Kristensen <> > >> Hi HenriK, > > What a nice contribution.
> Many of us missed such a VID GUI ADD-ON toolset. > Many new useful features and better overall use added. > > Would like to see some Tree like display but already having a true scrollbar > that works like in others GUI systems =A0is awesome. > Didn't look to see if it already exists.
I've been thinking about one, but am not sure yet how to build it. How would the input be formatted?
> Hope there will be some similar tool set for R3 so that what we'll learn > here will be reusable... > Do you know about Carls plans for the new R3 VID? Will there be some > similarities ?
The R3 GUI is very different underneath and much easier to expand, but some basic principles like NEXT-FACE and BACK-FACE have proven very useful in the VID Extension Kit, so I hope those can migrate there. There is also how lists are built in the VID Extension Kit, which I hope can be an inspiration for how lists will be done in R3. This is, as the name implies, simply an expansion of VID to make it feel richer and more complete. For example, the layout dialect has not changed, but there are new rules to restrict the unruly child that VID is, so we can lift it beyond the toy factor. :-) There are for example fixed policies for what to focus in a newly initialized window. R3's GUI is bound for an overhaul soon to fix the broken layout engine, so it will be even more capable than it is now. Another side effect of this kit is that I hope it becomes a minimum benchmarh for where the R3 GUI should be, capability wise.
> One first comment : The below start address is OK but it differs from the > one that is included in the preliminary doc.
Fixed. Sorry.
> I really asks myself if the Key formatter could not be used as some kind of > Intelligent Coder Helper a bit like the Viva REBOL project plans to do.
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> project to help better support and then promote the use of REBOL itself for > more =A0advanced GUI dev...
The four primary things the formatter does is manipulate the text, the highlight, the caret and the data part of the face. I hadn't thought of using formatters like that, but it's possible. To write your own, you need to visit the vid-ctx-format.r file in the source (link below).
> Thanks. I can help you to test it and report (in the format you want - like > in codecure for example) what has to be reworked if you need to.
I've uploaded the whole thing to, where there is a bug tracker. Like this release, it's quick and dirty, so I'll just be using that for now instead of Curecode. The project can be found here: However, before downloading any code for commercial use, I need to revisit the licenses. Some files are grabbed from Carl's source directly and the license may not fit.
> Do you have such a list of known bugs to prevent that you received many > times the same items ?
I have some bugs listed, but it would be simpler for me, if you just start reporting. Then I can weed out what I already know in the bug tracker at the click of a button, rather than communicating "I already know that" back and forth in mails. :-)
> Do you know if Carl has some plan to correct the known low-level bugs for R2 > in the future, when R3 up and running and more free time comes by ?
Unknown. :-) He could be revisiting R2 for a short while, but I'm not sure lowlevel bugs will be fixed, unless they turn out to be fixable in a few moments. Port bugs are unlikely to be fixed. There are plenty of highlevel fixes available, though.
> When you are ready let me know.
Ready now! -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [7/17] from: henrikmk:gmai:l at: 30-Aug-2009 9:43

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Henrik Mikael Kristensen<> wrote:
> Ready now!
Google Code's issue tracker sucks badly, unfortunately. I will be working on a Curecode server as soon as possible. But feel free to submit bugs, then I can transfer them later. -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [8/17] from: ryan:practicalproductivity at: 30-Aug-2009 12:40


 [9/17] from: henrikmk::gmail at: 30-Aug-2009 23:00

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Henrik Mikael Kristensen<> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Henrik Mikael > Kristensen<> wrote: > >> Ready now! > > Google Code's issue tracker sucks badly, unfortunately. I will be > working on a Curecode server as soon as possible. But feel free to > submit bugs, then I can transfer them later.
It was bumpy, but now the curecode bug tracker is available here: Feel free to register yourself, select the VID Extension Kit and post away. -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [10/17] from: fjouen:free at: 31-Aug-2009 15:12

Congratulations on these extensions. Very good job. Le 30 ao=FBt 09 =E0 09:43, Henrik Mikael Kristensen a =E9crit :

 [11/17] from: gerardcote::gmail::com at: 31-Aug-2009 21:52

Hi Henrik, Thanks for all the information. Gerard 2009/8/30 Henrik Mikael Kristensen <>
> could be a rich add-on towards a > > complete intelligent IDE and/or dev framework.
<<quoted lines omitted: 9>>
> you need to visit the vid-ctx-format.r file in the source (link > below).
I'll keep you in touch when I will be ready to work with this concept.
> > Thanks. I can help you to test it and report (in the format you want - > li
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> using that for now instead of Curecode. The project can be found here: >
I saw the newest posts in the thread about bad performance of and Curecode So my delay is welcome - I'll wait a bit...more ! However, before downloading any code for commercial use, I need to
> revisit the licenses. Some files are grabbed from Carl's source > directly and the license may not fit. >
OK I agree. And for the moment I don't plan to work on any commercial product anyway. But this may be of interest to other developers.
> I have some bugs listed, but it would be simpler for me, if you just > start reporting. Then I can weed out what I already know in the bug > tracker at the click of a button, rather than communicating "I already > know that" back and forth in mails. :-) >
Yes I know about this process ... and everything else is welcome !
> > When you are ready let me know. > > Ready now! >
I'll only be able to start in a few days from now- may be less than a week. Some VERY urgent FULL-TIME work to finish before. Delivery of my first magazine production, as a new editor, arrives shortly... But it has nothing to do with computers or programming. It's entirely dedicated to ice-rinks managers. WE try to save the planet, eliminating the freon R-22 and other HCFC nocive gas !!!

 [12/17] from: henrikmk:gma:il at: 3-Sep-2009 22:47

It looks like my ISP had decided to not serve random files from my site, among those the VID Extension Kit. So I moved them to my bug server: -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [13/17] from: henrikmk::gmail at: 3-Sep-2009 22:49

Docs are BTW getting rather outdated, as I've fixed a lot of bugs and added some new things. Build 002 will be out in a couple of days. I'll need to spend a couple of days to improve the docs, so if there is anything you want to know, it's easier to ask here for now. -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [14/17] from: henrikmk:gm:ail at: 4-Sep-2009 19:30

Build 002 available at: (tracks download numbers) or Style browser at: Change Log at the change log link when logging in at: -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [15/17] from: gerardcote::gmail at: 4-Sep-2009 14:01

Thank you, I'll look at them promptly and come back on Altme or Curecode. Will also look again in my automation testing books to see if anything can be used from them and ported to REBO to help me concretise what I will have to do on a repetitive basis. I will do it by hands before just to be sure of what the process is and how it works. Gerard ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2009/9/4 Henrik Mikael Kristensen <>
> Build 002 available at: > (tracks download numbers)
<<quoted lines omitted: 10>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- Gérard Côté Québec, Canada

 [16/17] from: henrikmk:gmai:l at: 14-Oct-2009 17:55

Site is now updated with build 003 and docs: -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [17/17] from: nick:guitarz at: 14-Oct-2009 11:24

Looks fantastic Henrik!!! Quoting Henrik Mikael Kristensen <>:

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