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Rebol on Diebold TS Touchscreen Voting Machine

 [1/5] from: dechert::gmail::com at: 20-Mar-2007 13:37

Last summer, I acquired a Diebold TS Touch Screen from eBay. It had been returned to Diebold by Maryland officials, but somehow got stuck in shipping for 1.5 years until the shipper unloaded it on eBay. Actually, the unit is owned by Open Voting Foundation, which I founded and remain as president. I am also president of Open Voting Consortium. Among other things, we work on developing and promoting open source software for public election systems. I made some news by revealing some security issues with the unit. We were recently cited in an AP article about why Diebold might want to get out of the voting system business. Anyway, I haven't decided on what else we might want to do. Princeton U also obtained one of these units and showed how some malicious code could be inserted to throw votes. That was also one of my goals, but since they beat us to that, I'm not working on that anymore. I have got Rebol Core (for SH3 processor and Win CE 2.0) running from a flashdisk in the PCMCIA slot. The version of Win CE running on the TS is 3.0. The machine has 32 meg of RAM and has software installed on flash memory chips (no disk drive). It has an infrared port. I don't want to disturb the existing Diebold Ballot Station software installation. I haven't used Rebol much -- only for some email scripts. I don't know if I can get Rebol View running. Any guesses? Do I need View running for the GUI ? Alan Dechert

 [2/5] from: anton::wilddsl::net::au at: 21-Mar-2007 12:11

Rebol ought not to touch any files if you run it with the --noinstall option. (Open rebol and type "usage" to see options.) I haven't tried WinCE or Rebol on any handheld machines, but when I start Rebol/View in WinXP it eats at least 9MB of RAM straight away, so I wonder if you have enough left after that. But, actually, I don't see WinCE in the list of platforms for Rebol/View. You might have to ask RebolTech directly. The product Rebol/Face, which is like a cut-down Rebol/View, should save a bit of memory. It is available in the SDK, but I don't know if it works on WinCE. The readme says you can just ask RebolTech to become a beta tester. You need Rebol/Face or Rebol/View to get a GUI. Voting with computers ? That's a tough problem to solve. I've been worrying generally about this question since a few years ago when it splashed out into the media. Regards, Anton.

 [3/5] from: gabriele:colellachiara at: 22-Mar-2007 9:48

Hi Alan, On Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 9:37:08 PM, you wrote: AD> I haven't used Rebol much -- only for some email scripts. I don't know if I AD> can get Rebol View running. Any guesses? Do I need View running for the AD> GUI ? Yes, you'd need View, or you need to interface to the OS directly (that's harder, and I'm not sure if that's possible on WinCE). If this is a short term project, I can ask Carl for more info on View on WinCE (I don't know if it was ever built). Otherwise, once R3 is out you would be able to create your own build of REBOL targeted for your machine. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <> --- Colella Chiara software division ---

 [4/5] from: dechert:gma:il at: 22-Mar-2007 13:02

Thank you Gabriele and Anton for your responses. Any help you can give to get me a build of Rebol/Face or Rebol/View that I can try on the machine would be appreciated. Alan Dechert

 [5/5] from: anton:wilddsl:au at: 23-Mar-2007 13:53

I suggest using the Rebol feedback form: where you have more chance to get a definitive answer. Anton.