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just fyi ...

 [1/3] from: chris:langreiter at: 12-Feb-2002 0:52

Our users have convinced us that the concept of runtime fee on PC is the main factor preventing the use of Lisp as a delivery language for many commercial applications. The burden of royalty fees too often outweighs the clear technical advantages Lisp has over other development tools. says Brigitte Bovy, Xanalys's Product Manager for LispWorks. When will REBOL users be able to convince RT that runtime fees are a thing of the 80s? Best regards, -- Chris

 [2/3] from: robbo1mark::aol::com at: 12-Feb-2002 3:43

Chris, Unfortunately / Fortunately depending on your viewpoint REBOL as a technology is controlled by a single vendor whose commercial imperative is to make money. That is fine and is their problem / reward, however as you point out sometimes it is our problem too. I don't think REBOL users can convince RT Inc. to change their business model or practices, as the sages have been saying since earliest times "Change must come firstly from within", with that in mind I don't see any point us bleating about this or other issues. RT have rightly made their commercial decisions and will succeed or not succeed in the market place because of those decisions, it's their call. Mark Dickson In a message dated Mon, 11 Feb 2002 6:57:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, Christian Langreiter <[chris--langreiter--com]> writes:

 [3/3] from: chris:langreiter at: 12-Feb-2002 14:48

> >That is fine and is their problem / reward, however as you point out sometimes it is our problem too. >
As a "platform vendor", our problems are their problems as well ;-) Indeed I hope RT makes a lot of money selling those great technologies, but the specific case of runtime fees is troublesome. There _must_ be several reasons to abandon it, otherwise practically all publishers of software development tools wouldn't have done so. - high burden of administration on developer side and tool company side - sales figures hard to validate for the tool company - success is "penalized" I'd definitely rather pay $1500 for a REBOL Developer's Edition and then be done with it. I also think, given the enormous amount of competitive packages out there (be it commercial or free), a DE should be somewhat more attractive than the current /Encap package is, i.e. a useable /View Interface Builder would be a necessity. Just a few thoughts. -- Chris