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REBOL "issues"

 [1/16] from: dukeofperl:ml1 at: 5-Nov-2010 21:49

I'm reading: Am I to understand that _all_ issues have the _#_ prefix? If so, then are binary values "issues" as well? From the above document: #{42652061205245424F4C} -- Duke

 [2/16] from: izkata:gma:il at: 5-Nov-2010 23:57

All issue!s start with #, but not all that start with # are issue!s:
>> type? #"r"
== char!
>> type? #foo
== issue!
>> type? #{44}
== binary!
>> issue? #"r"
== false
>> issue? #{44}
== false On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Duke Normandin <> wrote:
> I'm reading: >
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- <*>

 [3/16] from: dhsunanda::gmail at: 6-Nov-2010 10:24

> Am I to understand that _all_ issues have the _#_ prefix? If so, then > are binary values "issues" as well? From the above document: > > #{42652061205245424F4C}
The documentation is a little unclear there. Or, from another perspective, # is somewhat overloaded: #{....} is binary! #"." is character! #.... is issue! An issue! cannot contain a opening or closing brace, nor can it contain a double quote, so the three uses of # are quite separate. Sunanda

 [4/16] from: dukeofperl:ml1 at: 6-Nov-2010 5:51

On Sat, 6 Nov 2010, Sunanda wrote:
> > Am I to understand that _all_ issues have the _#_ prefix? If so, then > > are binary values "issues" as well? From the above document:
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> An issue! cannot contain a opening or closing brace, nor can it contain > a double quote, so the three uses of # are quite separate.
So _exactly_ what is the significance of _#_? BTW, is "overloading" a REBOL practice that I'll be discovering to be the rule and not the exception? :) -- Duke

 [5/16] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 6-Nov-2010 10:27

Hi Duke, DN> So _exactly_ what is the significance of _#_? It's simple a lexical element in the REBOL grammar. Imagine the parser going along, breaking a string of characters up and identifying the types and values. When it comes to a space, the next character guides it. Is it a digit? Then we need to go further and see if it's a decimal or an integer. If we see a dollar sign, it's a money! value. If we see a # followed by an alphanum, it's an issue. If it's a # followed by a quote, bracket, or curly brace, it's a char, serialized value, or binary, etc. More importantly for humans, issue! was intended for serial numbers, IDs, and the like, which makes the # sigil a good fit. DN> BTW, is "overloading" a REBOL practice that I'll be discovering to DN> be the rule and not the exception? :) No. This is not considered overloading. REBOL is still an ASCII language, and the lexical space is very tight. # has been pressed into service for a few notations, which makes it a bit of an exception. -- Gregg

 [6/16] from: dukeofperl:ml1 at: 6-Nov-2010 11:55

On Sat, 6 Nov 2010, Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Hi Duke, > DN> So _exactly_ what is the significance of _#_?
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> followed by a quote, bracket, or curly brace, it's a char, serialized > value, or binary, etc.
I see the rationale! Thanks... -- Duke

 [7/16] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 6-Nov-2010 11:06

* Izkata <> [101105 22:03]:
> All issue!s start with #, but not all that start with # are issue!s: > >> type? #"r"
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> >> issue? #{44} > == false
;; :) Another console session
>> series? #foo
== true
>> type? #foo
== issue!
>> type? #{44}
== binary!
>> series? #{44}
== true -- Tim tim at or

 [8/16] from: dukeofperl:ml1 at: 6-Nov-2010 17:10

On Sat, 6 Nov 2010, Tim Johnson wrote:
> * Izkata <> [101105 22:03]: > > All issue!s start with #, but not all that start with # are issue!s:
<<quoted lines omitted: 19>>
> >> series? #{44} > == true
So an "issue" is also a "series" which in turn is also what? etc etc. How far up does it goes? I can see why a parser may need this, but programmers? Let me get my feet a little wetter with REBOL before I make the mistake of voicing an _uninformed opinion. :) BTW, maybe leave an empty line before and after your words of wisdom - they'll stand out better. :) -- Duke

 [9/16] from: dhsunanda:gmai:l at: 7-Nov-2010 0:17

> So an "issue" is also a "series" which in turn is also what? etc > etc. How far up does it goes? I can see why a parser may need this, > but programmers? Let me get my feet a little wetter with REBOL before > I make the mistake of voicing an _uninformed opinion. :) > > There is a slightly out-of-date datatype hierarchy here: It looks like a fun execise to produce a complete hierarchy by finding all datatypes and checking which contain the others. Easy to do in an R3 script. Probably doable in an R2 script. Have fun trying. Sunanda.

 [10/16] from: izkata:g:mail at: 6-Nov-2010 19:31

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Sunanda Dh <> wrote:
> > > > So an "issue" is also a "series" which in turn is also what? etc > > etc. How far up does it goes? I can see why a parser may need this, > > but programmers? >
Path notation (array-type access) works in some way on all series! types, math works on all number! types, an so on. It helps handle crossover. I say "in some way" on all series! types because the file! type handles it specially, creating a directory path instead of accessing the series in an array-like way, and binary! doesn't seem to allow setting, just getting.
> Let me get my feet a little wetter with REBOL before > > I make the mistake of voicing an _uninformed opinion. :)
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> Probably doable in an R2 script. Have fun trying. > Sunanda.
I can vaguely remember someone did do an R2 one years ago. It generated a table, and saved it as an image, where <X column datatype> is a subset of <Y column datatype>, or something like that. -- <*>

 [11/16] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 7-Nov-2010 7:47

* Duke Normandin <> [101106 16:14]:
> So an "issue" is also a "series" which in turn is also what? etc > etc. How far up does it goes?
I believe that series! is descended from any-type! which all types are descended from. And I believe that there is only one layer of subtypes. I.E. any-type!/series!/issue! etc..
> I can see why a parser may need this but programmers?
Wweellll... this programmer does not take advantage of all rebol datatypes but I find it very handy for runtime typechecking, including the function interface. -- Tim tim at or

 [12/16] from: M8R-kr0jkp:mailinator at: 8-Nov-2010 16:50

#[[Sunanda There is a slightly out-of-date datatype hierarchy here: Sunanda]] - see also: #[[Tim I believe that series! is descended from any-type! which all types are descended from. And I believe that there is only one layer of subtypes. I.E. any-type!/series!/issue! etc.. Tim]] - actually, that is not correct, it is as follows: any-type!/series!/any-string!/issue! (in R2) -Ladislav

 [13/16] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 8-Nov-2010 12:48

* Ladislav <> [101108 06:53]:
> #[[Sunanda > There is a slightly out-of-date datatype hierarchy here:
<<quoted lines omitted: 9>>
> Tim]] - actually, that is not correct, it is as follows: > any-type!/series!/any-string!/issue!
:) Did'ya get that Duke. Don't let your head explode! It will sink in over time. After 10 years,for me, it is *still* sinking in. -- Tim tim at or

 [14/16] from: dukeofperl:ml1 at: 8-Nov-2010 16:03

On Mon, 8 Nov 2010, Tim Johnson wrote:
> * Ladislav <> [101108 06:53]: > > #[[Sunanda
<<quoted lines omitted: 16>>
> :) Did'ya get that Duke. Don't let your head explode! It will sink > in over time. After 10 years,for me, it is *still* sinking in.
Yep! I read it! How have you managed to resist the REBOL "layers" tectonics for ten years. :) Must have something to do with that Kodiak moonshine you guys have access to up there. ;D I'm hanging in there... -- Duke

 [15/16] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 8-Nov-2010 16:04

* Duke Normandin <> [101108 15:13]:
> Yep! I read it! How have you managed to resist the REBOL "layers" > tectonics for ten years. :) Must have something to do with that > Kodiak moonshine you guys have access to up there. ;D > > I'm hanging in there...
I was a cannery rat and commercial fisherman out of Kodiak in the 70's. Now I make my moonshine (home-brewed wine and beer) in Palmer... You can see what I see while I'm coding at -- Tim tim at or

 [16/16] from: dukeofperl:ml1 at: 8-Nov-2010 18:59

On Mon, 8 Nov 2010, Tim Johnson wrote:
> * Duke Normandin <> [101108 15:13]: > >
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> Palmer... You can see what I see while I'm coding at >
Likewise! Except I'm looking at the Eastern Slopes of the Canadian Rockies, S.W. of Calgary, Alberta. :) and instead of getting busy programming, I dream of fly-fishing for trout in those mountain and foothill stream. Only about 240 days to go ... -- Duke

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