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News: New Morpheus soon?

 [1/1] from: peter::rochon::sympatico::ca at: 27-Dec-2001 10:23

New features planned for file swappers By John Borland Staff Writer, CNET December 26, 2001, 3:00 p.m. PT In the midst of a potentially crippling lawsuit leveled by the recording and movie industries, peer-to-peer company MusicCity is planning a new, more powerful version of its popular file-swapping software. MusicCity, also known as StreamCast Networks, makes the Morpheus file-trading software application that has consistently been one of the most popular downloads online for the last several months. In a newsletter sent out to users of the software for the first time this week, the company said it is close to releasing a version 2.0 of the program, which will tap into parallel Gnutella-based peer-to-peer networks, and support Windows XP. The company also said it is working on a version for Macintosh computers to be released in Spring 2002. more see: Merry Xmas to all Rebelers Peter