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Fast transformation?

 [1/8] from: kpeters:otaksoft at: 27-Nov-2007 12:17

What is a good way to transform blocks like [ [ "Bill" 50 ] [ "Jane" 45 ]] to [ "Bill" 50 "Jane" 45 ] TIA, Kai

 [2/8] from: tom:conlin::gmail at: 27-Nov-2007 12:30

Kai Peters wrote:
> What is a good way to transform blocks like > > [ [ "Bill" 50 ] [ "Jane" 45 ]] > > to > > [ "Bill" 50 "Jane" 45 ] > > TIA, > Kai >
food for thought

 [3/8] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 27-Nov-2007 13:31

Hi Kai, KP> What is a good way to transform blocks like KP> [ [ "Bill" 50 ] [ "Jane" 45 ]] KP> to KP> [ "Bill" 50 "Jane" 45 ] flatten: func [blk [block!] /local res rule value] [ res: copy[] rule: [some [into rule | set value skip (append res value)]] parse blk rule res ] -- Gregg

 [4/8] from: tom::conlin::gmail::com at: 27-Nov-2007 12:35

Kai Peters wrote:
> What is a good way to transform blocks like > > [ [ "Bill" 50 ] [ "Jane" 45 ]] > > to > > [ "Bill" 50 "Jane" 45 ] > > TIA, > Kai >
for speed I might try flat: to block! form nested-blocks

 [5/8] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 27-Nov-2007 14:59

Hi Tom,
>> [ [ "Bill" 50 ] [ "Jane" 45 ]]
t> flat: to block! form nested-blocks That won't preserve the data though; it can change things. -- Gregg

 [6/8] from: tom:conlin:gmai:l at: 27-Nov-2007 14:10

hmmm I am not seeing mail I sent to the list via gmail and yes that only has a chance in the simplest of conditions
>> nested-blocks: [[1][2][3]]
== [[1] [2] [3]]
>> flat: to block! form nested-blocks
== [1 2 3] but sometimes that is all that is needed. Gregg Irwin wrote:

 [7/8] from: dhsunanda:g:mail at: 25-Nov-2007 6:06

> What is a good way to transform blocks like > > [ [ "Bill" 50 ] [ "Jane" 45 ]]
May have fewer side effects than some of the solutions to date: new-block: copy [] foreach b [ [ "Bill" 50 ] [ "Jane" 45 ]] [ append new-block b ]
>> new-block
== ["Bill" 50 "Jane" 45] Though if you want to deblock more nested structures, some more work is needed. Sunanda

 [8/8] from: Izkata::Comcast::net at: 28-Nov-2007 2:21

Similar to the strategy I was thinking, except I'm a fan of the funnier looking stuff - taking advantage of the "code is data" idea: (Copied from console then re-spaced for clarity)
>> NewBlock: foreach Val Others: [
[{Bill} 50] [{Jane} 45] [[{Dan} 19] [{Rich} 20]] ] copy/deep [ either block? Val [ append Others Val ][ append [] Val ] ] == ["Bill" 50 "Jane" 45 "Dan" 19 "Rich" 20] On Sun, 2007-11-25 at 06:06 +0000, Sunanda wrote: