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stepping through system object

 [1/4] from: moeller_thorsten:gmx at: 7-Mar-2003 14:08

Hi, i want to step through the system object and have a word containing the path as a string like: mypath: "system/options/cgi" As the path could vary due to input in a field i like to know how to make rebol show me the content of "system/options/cgi". I have serious problems converting the string to something rebol can work with. I tried everything coming into my mind, but nothing works till now. So, can anybody help? Cheers, Thorsten

 [2/4] from: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 7-Mar-2003 14:58

Hi Thorsten, On Friday, March 7, 2003, 2:08:05 PM, you wrote: TM> So, can anybody help? What version of REBOL? With older version you could write:
>> my-path: "system/options/cgi"
== "system/options/cgi"
>> my-path: load my-path
== system/options/cgi
>> probe my-path
make object! [ server-software: none server-name: none gateway-interface: none server-protocol: none server-port: none request-method: none path-info: none path-translated: none script-name: none query-string: none remote-host: none remote-addr: none auth-type: none remote-user: none remote-ident: none Content-Type: none content-length: none other-headers: [] ] On the newer versions you have to write:
>> my-path: "system/options/cgi"
== "system/options/cgi"
>> my-path: load my-path
== system/options/cgi
>> probe do reduce [my-path]
make object! [ server-software: none server-name: none gateway-interface: none server-protocol: none server-port: none request-method: none path-info: none path-translated: none script-name: none query-string: none remote-host: none remote-addr: none auth-type: none remote-user: none remote-ident: none Content-Type: none content-length: none other-headers: [] ] Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB:

 [3/4] from: gscottjones:mchsi at: 7-Mar-2003 8:33

From: "Gabriele Santilli" ...
> On the newer versions you have to write: > >> my-path: "system/options/cgi"
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> server-software: none > server-name: none
... Hi, Thorsten and Gabriele, I experimented with Gabriele's information regarding newer REBOLs and discovered that one can also:
>> mypath: "system/options/cgi"
== "system/options/cgi"
>> probe do mypath
make object! [ server-software: none server-name: none ... Directly allowing the creation of new objects as such: a-new-object: do mypath This is no real new info over what Gabriele presented. --Scott Jones

 [4/4] from: amicom::sonic::net at: 7-Mar-2003 7:10

At 02:58 PM 3/7/03 +0100, you wrote:
>On the newer versions you have to write: > >> my-path: "system/options/cgi"
<<quoted lines omitted: 22>>
> other-headers: [] >]
Or you can simply write:
>> help system/options/cgi
SYSTEM/OPTIONS/CGI is an object of value: server-software none! none server-name none! none gateway-interface none! none server-protocol none! none server-port none! none request-method none! none path-info none! none path-translated none! none script-name none! none query-string none! none remote-host none! none remote-addr none! none auth-type none! none remote-user none! none remote-ident none! none Content-Type none! none content-length none! none other-headers block! length: 0

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